In this thread, i want discussions on what people would think of scenarios, scenario editor, and ideas for scenarios. I know there has been other threads, but i dont feel like necroing them, they are kind of old now. Also we have many newcomers, which we would also like to hear from. And i would be extremely and forever thankful if the devs could tell their opinion and potential plans of this. GW is more of a skirmish, with some cool features but no cool setups for maps. This would also require an enhanced system designer ofcourse. This may maybe be mod-material, but then i hope someone makes a mod. So feel free to discuss. An exampel for a scenario would be that you must protect a important base, which holds the only metal-spots on the planet, from a giant enemy army. After this, you would need to co-ordinate three assaults using a remote base to take down three teleporters, where enemy units are streaming through. And your main base is still under heavy fire, since the enemy has set up a remote base full of artillery very close to your main. After you destroyed the teleporters and remote base, you will gain access to an enemy nuclear silo. You can use the nukes to nuke the enemy controlled moon on orbit around your planet. You will also be able to "repair" one of the destroyed teleporters, using it to send units through to their moon. The enemy has a bigger army, but you have got a nuke-silo.
I certainly like the idea of random scenarios spread throughout galactic war. We kind of have something like it already with the boss fights, but it would be nice to see some new stuff at other points in the campaign. I would imagine this is part of Uber's plan for improving GW already though. Scenarios could be things like rush a nuke in 10 minutes to kill an entrenched commander, or win before planets collide etc.
Scenarios - meh, I'd want to see custom maps first. That means editable terrain (mountain paths, water/lava areas, etc). That would allow to create interesting and well-balanced maps. And could be a good basis for scenarios (which I don't care about ;p)
I'd expect the engine to support scripting at some point, and maybe Uber creating a basic tool showcasing some features as a proof of concept. Which leaves modders to create a user friendly/intricate-beyond-all-hell tool to take full advantage of everything possible. The same goes for editable terrain. Once the server is out (and we can start figuring out everything), I'd expect someone(s) to make a fully fledged editor as a pet project; taking years to get anywhere near as intricate and stable as they want, but being really awesome when they get there.
I like this idea about scenarios. Sounds alot more interesting than play match after match in GW. Also would love to see advanced system editors aswell.
Another suggestion for a scenario, that can and probably will be multiplayer: you will be multiple players, atleast four. Everyone will have a base that is very well defended. But, none of the players has any fabbers, only combat fabs. All players has unlimited eco, and a bot-factory. They will have to build up armys to send out to destroy enemy armies. All fabbers but combatfabbers will be banned. When a player reaches x-amount of total mass destoyed, the player gets a vehicle factory. Then a new bot factory, and this continues until the player has four of each bot and vehicle factory. Every new factory increases the amount of destroyed metal needed. Then, the player will receive advanced factories. When the player has four of each bot and vehicle factory, the player will receive nuke launchers. Every player has a fully loaded anti-nuke silo. When a player has four nuke-launchers, no more reinforcements will come. The objective: kill the enemy commanders. The commanders are restricted from building, but will be able to assist factories. In the middle there will be spawning random powerplants, that you can destroy to increase amount of destroyed metal, which will tempt people to leave their base to not just sit and turtle.
personaly i donĀ“t care bout scenarios rather want gamemodes as for map/planet editor ... uber needs to make that a bit more easier like worms did it back then making flat land, difficult terrain land, small islands or big islands/continents ... working with seeds is just such a pain ...