Gents, I'm playing my first ever game of galactic war. And i have 2 question Q1 - Do the AI always start on the same planet as you in a multi-planet system? it seems to me to be the case? Q2 - If i pick up Advanced Tech for say Land Vehicles, can I then delete Basic Land Vehicle Tech?
They seem to prefer the first planet in the list. However with more then one AI opponent, they will split up.
Really i have played around 5 wars so far, and every war has had the AI Commander start on the same planet. I'm a very defensive player so i like to turtle. Perhaps i should leave the plant ASAP and abandon the first base. Also any answers to my second Question?
Advanced vehicle tech will allow you access to advanced combat vehicles, and basic fabbers required to get there. But without basic tech, you can't build basic combat vehicles. But yeah, AI's can start on different planets, but are likely getting the same one as yours because that's the best planet to start on.