PA Steam Reviews

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sierra159, September 7, 2014.

  1. orangerinapay

    orangerinapay Active Member

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    The devs have already pointed out that they will add all those features that you have pointed out, it's not like they are gonna stop developing this game.

    Performance is gonna be as good as your PC can handle, if you have a toaster computer(like me) and expect a game in 2014 to run as smooth as butter you got some life lesson there buddy.

    Deciding if this game will be as successful as TA is all but an opinion, this game IS MEANT to be TAs successor in the first place and that is what they have delivered.
    Remy561 and squishypon3 like this.
  2. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    that´s just opinion and has nothing to do with the gamequality on its own

    blatant generalisation that is not true

    unconstructive sarcasm

    again opinion and what people expect reviewise being bad or good doesn´t matter

    what is that even supposed to mean?
    Last edited: September 7, 2014
    bengeocth likes this.
  3. epicblaster117

    epicblaster117 Active Member

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    Kalherine it seems you've been attacking the game since day one, can you please ONLY post questions and not random generalizations comparing it to previous games and ho its about to fail? Thanks.
    MrTBSC likes this.
  4. felipec

    felipec Active Member

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    Tbh I'm not that worried about the reviews, they will sure hurt the sales, but none knows how much it will hurt, perhaps it is not that much. What I'm worried the most is if Uber is really going to keep developing the game for as long as they said.. Don't get me wrong, I still trust them, but if the game don't sell they will be forced to move into other projects that actually pays. PA is already awesome, but it will die if the devs don't work on it anymore.
    I sure don't understand a **** about this market, and 99.9% of the people who are making assumptions don't understand either.
  5. wilhelmvx

    wilhelmvx Member

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    I honestly see no way how Uber could stop supporting PA anytime soon.
    I don´t think they would to be fair.

    "IF" they would go on to another project without developing PA any further .... I have a really hard time seeing it suceed.
  6. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    did you take a look at TA recently? it´s what now 17 years old? and still is not dead but has an active even if small community behind it ..
    the only thing that matters for PA is that people get access to make their own games on their own servers and machines
    the game itself has already most corecontent in it and people created their own units already and mods ...
    so there is a community behind this already .. it wont just die and be forgotten like this ...
    people will go mod and eventualy optimise the crap out of the game by themselves if need be ...
    Last edited: September 8, 2014
    Remy561 likes this.
  7. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Active Member

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    These reviews are ridiculous of course. I would like to point out that ALL of the Original and Stretch goals have been delivered on, and in a timely manner (~18 Months). All things considered, Uber is doing extremely well. Complaining that 1.0 doesn't contain every feature under the sun is ridiculous, they are using 1.0 to indicate that all the base work promised is done. The game engine alone was worth the dev costs, and I can't wait to dig into it.
    Remy561, Bsport and philoscience like this.
  8. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I have a friend who used to have that same profile picture, Rei ayaname, what's it from? :p
  9. link12313

    link12313 New Member

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    [​IMG] is useing a eve online portret.
  10. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I was asking Wilhem, the person I quoted, actually, sorry :p
  11. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    Looks like you misunderstood, or I didn't word it properly, sorry.

    I'm just going pull a couple of the most popular negative short reviews on the steam page...

    389 of 647 people (60%) found this review helpful


    120 products in account
    3 reviews
    Not Recommended

    45.4 hrs on record
    Not even close to a finished product. I support this game, but it shouldn't be out of early access.
    Posted: 5 September"

    This one is kinda my review too, at this point, but im positive, I woulda had a thumbs up, same words tho. Are you goin to tell him and force his opinion in top what your opinion of what a finished product should be? Maybe to him the missing features are very valuable. I too share the opinion that the game shouldn't have been rushed out of release when it did. But I'm not jumping up and down about it. Both our opinions are valuable.

    143 of 268 people (53%) found this review helpful


    96 products in account
    1 review
    Not Recommended

    2.2 hrs on record
    They left something out; it's actually "Planetary Annihilation, Official Alpha Release". Don't buy. Unfinished, broken heap of steamy ♥♥♥♥.
    Posted: 5 September

    This one is harsh, but he's obviously passionate about it, gives off the impression that he's angry, maybe because he was really really looking forward to the game, and was utterly disappointed, he has that right. I Don't like games coming out unfinished, that's what early access is for. Sure, I can deal with it better, but so what. Hell, I didn't like the marketing PR crap behind "gamma."

    173 of 259 people (67%) found this review helpful


    220 products in account
    4 reviews
    Not Recommended

    14.2 hrs on record
    I'm just going to say this right off the bat: The core game is fun.

    Now comes the problems. The game releases on the 5th, 1 day after this review was written, and the game is unoptimized garbage. Now it's not that it's unoptimized for our computers. I mean my laptop runs this at 60fps maxed out and my desktop at 144fps, but the servers are by far some of the worst I have ever seen. The entire game is essentially streamed to you since you cannot host a client-side match no matter what you do. Even singleplayer games are server-side, and the servers suck. Even if you only have two planets (and where's the fun in that?) you will constantly slow down, freeze, disconnect, and crash to the point that the game is entirely unplayable. Furthermore, the unit variety is absurdly low compared to its spiritual predecessors and the Galactic War mode is absolutely horrendous. The fact that they're releasing the game in the unfinished, broken state it's in now puts these devs in my top 10 least favorite developers and they don't deserve a single damn dime from your wallet.

    Now if they ever fix these server issues or add client-side hosting, would I recommend this game? Absolutely! It's fun when it's not frozen for 30 minutes straight!
    Posted: 4 September

    Was this review helpful? Yes No"

    Again, I share some of his negativities. Nobody is going to go back in to the future to review the actual finished product when the features are all complete, so we review what we have at the time, the release :) . He was disappointed. Doesn't matter bout anything else, you can try to reason with that or argue, but it's his right to be disappointed, he paid for it.

    I suppose it's best to reply to every negative comment on steam and tell them their opinion is wrong then... :D
    To me that's just plain arrogant. Telling someone they shouldn't like something because you have reasons, and your regurgitating the same reasons Uber have dished out does not help, so it's like saying, "hey, there is no way this game is crap, and there's no way you cannot like this game, because I love it, and I know others that love it too, and Uber have promised me in the forums that we will one day get said feature..." It's upto each of you to choose what to believe in, again, there's no wrong or right answer. It is his right to review what he wants with as many words as he likes, as long as it isn't offensive or forced upon people. With such a poorly and cheaply implemented feature (steam reviews,) there is nothing else for it anyway. People often review what they have in their hands, and get disappointed when a feature they were really lookin forward to (maybe even the deal breaker) didn't come at release and because of how they are (personality,) they never come back to PA again. You want to tell him his way of thinking is wrong, crack on. But I 100% disagree with you, And seeing these kind of arguments makes me sad.

    Fanboys are able to go way way way over the top with passion and dedication all with the exact freedom one would expect, and when a negative reviewer or anyone that hasn't painted a product in the "majority" view gets pitchforked and pounced upon and get told to change the way they expressed themselves...

    And just so you know. I chose to have faith and wait while still supporting Uber, and I have not been disappointed. And I don't really want to be looking like I'm rallying the negativity camp or naysayers, because that is not at all what I want to do, but I believe that everyone should have their say, with their own freedom of speech, whether it goes against the grain or not, whether they are professional RTS player or not. It's pretty silly to think that 100% of people that bought PA are ecstatic with it :) we aren't all the same.

    What a boring world it would be if we all had the same opinion, all enjoyed/disliked the same thing.

    Now, I'm probably going to get pitchforked myself so gunna pack ma balls and leave.
    drz1 likes this.
  12. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Well, I think that Toy Rush is providing some income, and of course Uber will move on to another project, however, this is their "Big" game right now, so they're going to focus on it for quite a while before they start reducing the team, I think.
  13. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    My review. Tell me what you guys think, comment, like or dislike it. I don't think in-depth reviews appeal to enough people, short and quick is what the average buyer is looking for. (My opinion, since people who like the long reviews are usually going to research the game anyway.)
    drz1 likes this.
  14. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    opinion without further reasoning, not helpfull ..

    i don´t care if he´s harsh .. this is not helpfull either for the same reasons as above
    there is nothing that underlines his opinion ... as of now it is just that .. his opinion nothing more ...

    definitively more reasonable but exagarates on ammount of unitpoolcontent

    stop being rediculous

    who cares about fanboys ? ... this has nothing to do with what i said .. what i said is that they way of writing a review is important to how much one can read out of it ..

    example 1: nothing

    example 2: nothing

    example 3: likes the concept, states he can run the game with his hardware, is however unhappy with the performance of the servers indicating varrius possible issues in onlinemultiplayer, indicates low ammount of content unitpoolwise

    THAT is what matters ! what information people get out of it ...

    i said long before it is totaly ok to look at things differently .. but when it comes to information it is important
    to know why exactly do people think off something as they do ... otherwise it´s useless
    Last edited: September 8, 2014
  15. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    Its fine, UBER made all of its profit before it was released. That's the way it works with these type of fundings. If I went to the uber office tomorrow, I wouldn't see a bunch of somber employees.
  16. corruptai

    corruptai New Member

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    I think the users of this forum are simply going to have to get over it. No matter how many biased reviews the minority from this forum post, they will be drowned out by the majority on Steam that don't like the way this game released. Negative steam reviews are simply going to be a thing that will be there, but perhaps only until offline is implemented, as that seems to be one of the major hangups for a large portion of Steam users. If Uber is concerned about these reviews, they should probably implement offline as soon as possible (which I am sure they are already trying to do, so there is nothing for us to do but wait and see).

    Negative reviews exist for all games. The ratio of good to bad is the important part. You cannot improve the ratio by simply adding positive reviews, as others will also be adding negative reviews at the same time. Devs improve the ratio by improving the game. Then the positive reviews follow naturally over time.
  17. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    except it isnt a majority ... the majority of people does not even do reviews ... and those people writing negative reviews are themselves a minority
  18. corruptai

    corruptai New Member

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    Well of course, but think about it.
    Only a minority of players of any given game visit its official forum.
    That would be us.

    It takes more effort to visit this forum and read up on the game than to write a few words on steam and click thumbs down, right?

    I have no solid statistics, but I'm willing to bet more people on steam are reviewing the game than people here are rushing over there to counter-review it. I know I certainly haven't counter-reviewed anyone, because I can't say I'm not disappointed by the exclusion of offline for launch. Enough to write a bad review? Absolutely not. I'm not gonna fanboy up a good review either though. (Not an implication that anyone that likes the game in its current state is a fanboy, simply saying it would be disingenuous of me to write a positive review currently. I'm glad people are enjoying the game.)
  19. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    you missunderstood me
    the guys on steam who write negative reviews are a minority themselfes right now ... if you go pure recommended/not recomended ... the majority is rather positiv on that ... i have yet to see the negative reviews outweighing the positiv reviews ignoring the quality of the reviews themselves same with metacritic ( yea i know way less reviews)

    also as of time of posting PA is number 7 on the topsellerslist with the 30$ pricetag ...
    at least for now it looks positiv .. we´ll see what the following days will bring ...
  20. corruptai

    corruptai New Member

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    Oh. Well then why does this thread even exist? After reading this thread, I made the assumption based off of the posts here, that more of the reviews on Steam were negative than positive.

    If the majority of reviews are positive, and I already knew the game was in the top selling list, than what is this thread for? That would suggest, based on the only two pieces of evidence available to us (sales and reviews) that Steam users are enjoying the game, right? So what's to talk about?

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