Hello, Just wanted to tell you that I had two BSOD yesterday and today, one was one launching nuke (exactly when I clicked attack), second was when I was giving area mex build to fabbers (again, exactly on mouse release). Just so you know.
Your GPU drivers are from early 2012; please upgrade them. https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=23764&lang=eng&ProdId=3319
No, they aren't. I just realized that dxdiag only shows stats for integrate graphics, I have GF 540m and drivers were updatef ~month ago (337.88) But I will try to update integrated as well, tho it's not used in game. BTW, there was mention of some nvidia file in BSOD, I think it was nvlddmkm.sys but I am not sure.
I'm running a Lenovo laptop with an integrated HD 3000 and an Nvidia NVS card. Despite up to date GPU drivers, PA wouldn't play properly until I also upgraded the HD 3000's driver to the latest version.
Direct link to drivers you need. To update drivers download and install "win64_152822.exe" from Intel website: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=23764 If you get "not validated for this computer" error download ZIP version of driver ("win64_152822.zip") from same page and then install it using this instruction: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558749190911446231/
By the way, would you recommend running coherentUI with integrated or nvidia GPU? Because those are separate executables.
I already updated, will report if anything goes wrong again, possibly with more detailed info about what what in the bsod, game ID, my exact actions, etc.
Nvidia is better. More info from BSOD, like codes (0x0004584 kind of numbers) or files it mentions helps determine what is happening. BSOD are usually either driver or hardware related type of failures. The most common is bad drivers, followed by bad memory modules from my experience.
Thanks for Dxdiag, your drivers are out if date. You need to download the latest from www.amd.com and try again, that usually sorts these problems.
Well the other time I got BSOD in a game was using mumble overlay with some source game. Playing for 5+ minutes was guaranteed BSOD. Disabling mumble overlay solved it. It was definitely software fault. Since PA uses separate UI process for rendering, I wonder, could it be similar problem. The only BSODs I've seen on this machine where in that source game and PA (I had one more 1-2 months ago after clicking preview in editor).
The server browser is currently downloading way more data then it needs to, which causes everything to go quite slow. You can try using the Optimise User Tag Map Mod and Faster Server Browser Mod. They are most easily installed from PAMM. This is bug FS#4049 by the way.
That depends on the system you are playing. More and bigger planets means more RAM usage. However, there is a solution for that as well: "How-to: decreasing UI memory usage on Windows / Linux"
So, I identified that problem is mostly on my machine, but PA is partially to blame because of coherentUI. Programs that show overlays over my game window are causing my machine to BSOD from time to time. This includes TeamSpeak, Mumble, Skype and sometimes even steam itself. It wasn't like this before, but now I tend to crash often when using skype voice chat with games, once I even crashed when someone messaged me on steam and overlay appeared (I played that game for 600+ hours and never had such problem before). I have no idea what went wrong, all the drivers are recent I suspect that it has something to do with nvidia optimus ans system trying to switch between integrated and nvidia gpus, but I can't be sure.
If you are still having problems, after updating drivers. Run memtest to rule out any faulty memory. http://www.memtest.org