Interplanetary artillary and radar

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by icefire909, September 7, 2014.


Should artillary be able to fire at another planet if a portion of the other planet is in range?

  1. Yay

    27 vote(s)
  2. Nay

    15 vote(s)
  1. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    I don't know if it still shows, but I remember a while back the radius of an advanced radar actually went onto another planet briefly as they came insanely close during orbit.

    What if our artillary could shoot at another planet if they're close enough to be in range of the artillary?

    I got thinking about this while I was rebuilding the full Yavin system and had each planet evenly spaced out (probably inaccurate but who cares). If I had an artillary on Yavin IV, it should be able to hit Yavin III or V (depending on which side it is)
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I don't even like that normal nukes can travel the solar system, let alone artillery.

    Heeeeeeelllllllllll no.

    With respect.
  3. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    I wouldn't mind this in theory, but I'm pretty sure the difficulty of implementing it would just be kinda hellish, most interplanetary objects are guided, but artillery is an unguided projectile. At best the shots would be wildly inaccurate and at worst they'd miss the planet entirely and fly off into nothingness.

    Maybe this could work with the tactical missile launcher, but since catapults can be so insanely powerful that'd be a little too close to OP.
  4. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    I don't mind, everyone has their own opinion on the matter. More ideas never hurt.

    I am also just talking about short windows of opportunity. not always being able to
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    That's what I have wanted with nukes, having a actual range where close planets could be targeted when they pass on by.
  6. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    Currently the ways to invade a planet are rather hard and lategame. It consist of getting air/orbial superiority via anchors where nessesary, then dropping one or more teleporters. And you can easily counter any beachhead with a defensive nuke.
    The way to win against entrenched players are usually nuke-snipe or SXX snipe of the commander. Or Planet drop (knocking out most econ, nuke launchers, anti-nukes and hopefully the commander).

    But plannets are planned to get a lot bigger and unit-cannons are going to be a "thing". So it will propably get easier again/map control of a planet a lot harder.
    And a total of about 100 units/buildings are planned, there is bound to be something among them like mobile orbital anti-nukes or maybe a distinction between planetary and interplanetary nukes.

    Maybe they could add in non-nuclear interplanetary missiles, similar to the strategic missile (with a proper counter structure) as "interplanetary artillery without build/defense build cost".
  7. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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    That would actually work a lot better and be more practical.
    Currently there's no window of opportunity shots, nukes just have infinite fuel. They should at least be locked to just self-planet and it's planet's orbitals.

    From an aiming perspective, if we can shoot units from an artillary on to a planet we should be able to pack those same shells with explosives.
    With long range shooting (like the Scathis, Buzzsaw, Vulcan...) you dont need accuracy, just keep shooting and you'll eventually hit stuff (balances it better since theres no shielding)

    Though maybe if we put the exploding kbots in unit cannons that would count as a normal shell
    igncom1 likes this.
  8. icefire909

    icefire909 Member

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  9. zgrssd

    zgrssd Active Member

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    I asume those capsules/landers will be somewhat vulnerable to anti-orbit & anti-air weaponry. I would think they will work more like the landing capsule of the commander (minus the FTL & impact shockwave part):
    Not as vulnerably or expensive as an astreus (wich is reuseable and thus has to carefully touch down, making it highly vulnerable to anti-air). And thus a lot better at "punching through" strong orbital and air defenses.
    But still to expensive to drop on an enemy base with orbital and air defense.
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I would like it if artillery was capable of hitting other planets, but "distance" is too arbitrary. It is too much guesswork to guess if interplanetary artillery will be "in range". Being in the same gravity influence is more insuring, so planets can hit moons and moons can hit planets. But anything else is ambiguous.

    Really, if the holkins were capable of doing it, with it's slow *** rate of fire, expensive *** design, at least it is reuseable compared to a nuke, but it's impacts are effective yet not game ending. If it were capable of doing it, it wouldn't be so bad.

    However, game engine wise, the projectile would have to fly like a missile. Unguided can't hit other planets. I wouldn't mind if the projectile properties made it seem somewhat unguided, like diagonal flight after firing, orbital path won't be too wierd if it moved fast enough, if it entered the orbit right above it's target and fell onto the target it would look "dropped". It would seem well enough.
    corteks likes this.
  11. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I vote no.

    Dumb projectiles cannot accurately travel between planets.

    It'd need to be guided missiles, but the catapult has a really short range.

    For some reason, artillery can fire greater distances than guided missiles. That never made sense for me.
  12. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    No real way to counter it, other than being the other guy.
  13. evilindustries

    evilindustries Member

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    That would be so badass getting peppered from another planet. I usually play with at least 2 planets in close orbit, circling the outer edge of the map.
  14. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    When we get unit cannon, load it with boom-bots. That will make an artillery.
    wienerdog4life likes this.
  15. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Voted no, i already didn't like the one artillery in SupCom having unlimited range. There should be a cost associated with using rangeless or unstoppable attacks.

    Atm nukes are relatively easy to defend, and Planet Smash/Lazor come with a huge cost.
  16. evilindustries

    evilindustries Member

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    SupCom had shields though, artillery by definition can fire over large distances. I personally like playing with long range arty. Waiting for a big Bertha or buzzsaw.
  17. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    I'm talking about the UEF's tier 3 exp artillery. Unlimited range and shields don't hold very well against it either. And that's assuming you actually can defend everything with shields, which takes a huge amount of energy.

    Similarly the aeon had their 'ressource factory', which doubled your income so you could overrun everything. I'm okay with having strong endgame stuff, planet smash and experimentals, but a forceful game-ender is boring and one dimensional.
    Metal Planets are almost weak compared to that stuff. Catalysts are at least visible from everywhere and there isn't a km-deep frontline to hide them behind, since you can attack/drop from orbit.
  18. evilindustries

    evilindustries Member

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    Arty discourages turtling.
    +1 for arty
    +1000000000 for interplanetary.

    Imagine 2 planets on the same orbital path.
    Imagine those planets with atmosphere littered with defense platforms.
    Now imagine pirate ships.
    Sailing beside each other blasting away.
  19. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    Or helps turtles kill you.
  20. evilindustries

    evilindustries Member

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    Arty is slow, fast movers can get to it an take it out if you needed too, I don't see why everyone's so scared of this.

    I'll assume. Players are used to their play style, and don't enjoy variety.

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