I wanted to watch some others play. So I looked for a game with open spectator slots (Can Spectate) that is running (In Progress). I joined my first game - and I am not able to view any army. Each player/team visbility is disabeled by deafult and I cannot enable them myself. All I can view are the Economy and Army tabs of the player details. But no units or building. I tried multiple UI realoads and 4 different games. Same result - no ability to see anything while spectating Is there something I am missing? It could just be that the game was set to private/friends only and the list only showed them on mistake/allowed me to join as spectator by mistake.
Yeah at the minute it is not possible to join live games. May never be allowed either as the players do to really have control of who joins which can open to cheating. It is best I not be able to watch a game until after as even a 5 min delay can be too short.
That's a bummer that it's not working. In the meantime, check out PA Matches. It has the largest collection of gameplay videos on the web.
I don't know. I'm having the same problem as described above, but the other guy spectating with me was seeing the players just fine. He was chatting with the two remaining (i.e., not dead) players commenting on their current attacks.
It's been like that for a while in all recent PTE builds. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/pte-stream-71673.63599/#post-991431 https://forums.uberent.com/threads/pte-stream-71642.63572/page-2#post-991087 https://forums.uberent.com/threads/cant-see-anything-in-specator-mode.62747/#post-974919
See this thread: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/spectating-an-in-progress-match-i-cant-see-any-units.64113