Hello guys! I got crash everytime when i finish a match, and click on "go back to menu". Then game suddenly stop running. Dxdiag here. Thx Dod!
Your video drivers are pretty old (2013) - please upgrade them and check whether the problem persists.
Well, at least we eliminated one potential issue. Can you describe the nature of the crash in more detail? Does the game just freeze, do you get Coherent UI errors, do you get the "PA.exe has stopped working" message?
Same here. Not sure it happens every time but quite frequently. Maybe a mod, just did 3 two minutes game vs AI with --nomods and couldn't reproduce.
Have you checked this link yet? http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558751813508748383/ This is a list of third party-software that may cause problems with the game. Do you have an integrated video card besides your dedicated one? If so, you may want to disable it in the BIOS. If possible, can you please state the make (manufacturer), model, and energy capacity of your power supply?
AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series (Sapphire/PCPartner) i have no integrated video card and i got no program from that thirtd party list my power supply capacity is 550 W
Ok, i tried everything and nothing new , i hope they will find something about this. Very annoying bug.
You do have integrated as they come as standard on core i5. If you go into control panel then device manager you should see 2 devices listed under 'display adapter' one will be the Radeon, the other Intel hd (unless its fully disabled in the bios- in which case it won't be listed). If it is listed its worth updating the drivers for it (download direct from www.Intel.com) as I've heard of these causing issues. Also just to double check, did you get the updated Radeon drivers direct from www.amd.com (if not then might be worth trying that).