happens alot always when i go to click the warning about something, like enemy commander detected, enemy forces sighted and so on. i cant do anything after that. no units visible at all. game does not freeze though.
Hello, Please follow the instructions in my signature below and post your Dxdiag.txt in your next post. From what I know, this is a driver issue, but only from your Dxdiag can I tell which video card you're using (Nvidia or AMD).
I started playing Planetary Annihilation for the first time today. On my first game, on my first map, on my first encounter with the enemy, I got this bug. Very frustrating since I couldn't find a way to save my progress. I have to start over. I was playing in full screen mode with "Uber" graphic settings. I also added a keybind for a loop build (Alt). Those are the only changes I have made to the settings from their defaults. After the screen went blue, I tried changing to windowed mode and lowering the graphic settings, and it did not fix the problem. I checked my NVIDIA Experience control panel, and it tells me my video card drivers are up to date. 327.23
Hello, Actually, the latest drivers for your video card are 340.52. Your video card drivers are about a year old at this point. Latest driver link here from the Nvidia website: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/77224/en-us The majority of these solid blue screens are driver issues.
Wow, isn't NVIDIA awesome for telling me such inaccurate information? Thanks for the link. I'll try the new drivers and update this thread
My guess is that the position he was detected is not a valid target. This happens most often if the orbital radar catches a glimps of him while he is transported of planet. It might also be that he is wrongly detected (i.e., detected when he should not) and thus the location is so invalid it breaks the UI. This bug affects the entire team if only one tries to focus on him. F5 is the button to reload the UI. I had not happen it in a while, have you tried if it helps?
The first notification that popped up showed an in-game view rather than a blue screen, so I assume that one would have worked. The second notification was a solid colour. I didn't click it because I had gotten much further in my first game and I didn't want to risk the bug happening again without having a way of reloading my game.
It just hit me twice in a row while running GW. In both cases a quick hit on F5 reloaded the UI and allowed me to continue the game.