i'm already done with the theme of these threads. plz don't make anymore. ask your question or start up a topic without the "2 days" till stuff.
i don't know if that might true or not, but you Devs surely are super busy and possibly frustrated at this period before launch. but in the end you Devs and thanks all those Backers out there made one hell of an awesome game.
Theres nothing we can say or do that will improve the situation just wait for release, no need to add pressure on them. At the moment threads like these are counter productive, even though i can agree the need for some changes.
I believe there was supposed to be a lot of units in the game (but if I remember correctly around 200 ish?) I doubt that they will deliver before release or even after.What else is going to go?
WHY CANT I LIKE THIS MOR Anyways, I to believe in this idea of why differentiate the factories in the first place, when making all factories of variations have much greater unit diversity.
Because this completely removes the variety and the combined arms nature of the game, it basically says pick a just one factory type and there's all the units you need... bad idea imho. Having different factories basically catering to differing tactics/strats on the other hand provides that element, the intention being that players are supposed to have tanks/bots/planes/boats and orbitol not just the one or two unit types. This hasn't been the case in practice because people have typically (and hysterically) declared this unit or that, OP or 'The only unit you will ever need' and only use that unit...and sheep will follow. Back on topic, I would've liked (maybe it still will) naval to get a little attention before full release but honestly most of the complainers are just being drama queens. Its not that bad, make maps with lots of water and it actually is a necessary unit type regardless of the issues; other perceived problems are similarly solved, such as eco-balance with how well the system has been made.
Nope, their goal was 100, and they're actually very close! This is counting buildings by the way, don't be baffled, Supcom and TA, both considered buildings units.
The key here is the slight differences in style and function, for example not every assualt bot was the same each had different stats and specialtys
Ehh even then, they all had units for the same job, with the same general functionality. Carbon copy's with different paint.
Well yes, but every tier has mostly the same units as the last with stats/cost upped a bit. If you remove all duplicate units and only keep the units of all tiers that function differently/don't negate each other, a faction in Supcom has only 5 - 10 more units than PA does. (I believe this is including buildings as well)
Not exactly, and I'm citing more supcom 1 than supcom 2, remember the t1 bots for the Cybran, they were faster than the rest and could reclaim and had good dps, the UEF on the other hand had a tank that had heavy 1 time damage and could tank damage well. They had the same roll but different ways of achieving this. Wasn't this the point of having one faction in the first place? To have CRAZY unit diversity.
Those slight differences is what gave it syle and soul in the first place and made each faction feel VERY unique, with only one faction even if it was slight differences imagine the crazy unit roster we could have if we stop going for "only what we need" and more along of everything we can. Also, this thread went off topic fast, I thought this was about naval? Ehh all balance threads seem to do this...
The point was to have equal standing for two players, balance. You don't use other units, because these are the best.
There's this thing called proper balance, where a choice of a certain variety of units is depending on the situation is the best, not "this is the thing that was way to OP, spam these.
Why would you use worse units? Better units are clearly better, you should use them too. Don't use worse units because they look cool, because they are worse.