So I was thinking, if your selling commanders to anyone (kind of like DLC) doesn't that negate the exclusivity of KS backers, early access, collectors edition and THEN everyone? I ask because if the collectors edition edition boasts extra commanders... I think one commander at minimum, should be exclusive to each stage of development, if you want extra cash,make an actual set of commanders as dlc. I know you have some made up that didn't make the game.
You can buy some keys, key selling sites are selling them, but that's not Uber's fault. The only Commanders being sold are the new retail special edition ones and stuff. The Alpha, Progenitor, Dela, and Theta arent. I imagine he's wondering about the KS backer custom comms, if so, no worries, the people who backed for them agreed to have them be sold (they also get a % of the profit.)
Those were the 1000$ tier backer commanders, a couple of those guys agreed to let Uber sell their comms, and they even get a percentage of the profit.