During a match i played in the pte, me and my friend tried to nuke space units in orbit around gasp-planet. Long story short, (it was super laggy, like half speed) it worked. Is this intended? It does not work in orbital layer around a planet solid planet, right? I dont think this is intended though, as the orbital layer does not have any counter to nuking.
You have been able to nuke orbital for months. It's intended. The animation for the nuke goes directly beneath the thing you're nuking, which probably is why it's so weird.
Okay thanks, did not know that I belive i tried it sometime, but didnt work. Since then i just thought it would not work.
They should make a new round nuke explosion i feel for orbital nuking. Just like how in real life the nuke explosion is orbish when it explodes in space/air. See YouTube for space nuke explosions.
Then we should be happy nobody yet thought about the legal implications of planet smashing. Shortsighted humans missing the important things.
Pretty sure that would count as a WMD. Which makes it illegal. Australia's constitution says that no state may operate their own independent army or navy. There's nothing in there specifically forbidding an air force because they hadn't been invented yet but it's pretty easy to infer what the decision would have been had planes been a thing at the time.
Well, I tought scientists tested them in the past in space, anyway, it is up on YouTube, if it was bad to be on YouTube the vids would've been long removed from YouTube. EDIT: It's there, so you can see "realistic" space nuke explosions.
Make orbital nukes more about the EMP blast than the destructive power. EG perhaps work like a large radius stun gun as it reboots everthing. (Cause in orbit, the destructive power isn't terribly wide for nukes, but the EMP blast can be devatating.
Right now orbital units just vanish and it sucks... I think that when a nuke hits the ground, any orbital units above should have an "electrical sparky EMP effect" for a few seconds, and then fall out of the sky down to the planet, turning to wreckage when they hit the ground. This would make it much clearer what just happened, and enhance gameplay because dead SXXs and ADV. Radar Satellites high metal value would make them great bits of wreckage to fight over.