Peter F Hamilton is one of my favourite authors. Night's Dawn is pretty heavy going, and not for everyone, but if you manage to survive that, you'll love some of his later stuff. I cannot recommend his commonwealth saga (Pandora's star and Judas Unchained which i have signed) enough, for a slightly lighter, but incredibly fun and surprisingly deep read. Currently I'm slogging my way through Harry Turtledove's WorldWar Series. I love the premise. It's an alternate history series set in world war two where... wait for it... Aliens invade earth in december 1941. And i bet at least half of you thought I was going to say something about the Nazis getting the upper hand. Overall, the premise is well executed, and the psychology of the aliens is contrasted nicely with the human characters, but it's definitely hard going. The author tends to pad things out a bit, and the pacing suffers. It's nice to read if you are really hankering for some WW2 inspired science fiction, but i wouldn't recommend it to everyone.
David Lapham's Stray Bullets: Killers is so good! What can I say I love crime stories. Stray Bullets goes back to '95 and is one of the reasons I dig the genre so much. I just finished issue #3 and can't wait for June 25th for the next issue to release. For you fans of "real books" I've just checked out The Big Sleep by of course the great Raymond Chandler. A classic piece of Noir that I have yet to read.
Code of The Life Maker by James P. Hogan. It's pretty neat. My dad gave it to me because I wouldn't shut up about PA
I just read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and was pretty disappointed. The society he painted was interesting, but everything else about the book kinda sucked. Characters, story, pacing, the choice of writer to idolize.
Found my parents gem of Ulysses this weekend. Started reading this weekend and going to keep it. Much easier to read it now in the times of google to understand the references as Joyce meant them. That guy was a crazy mofo. Eg. My first summer job was making sweeping brushes with an Irish sweeping brush company called Varian. One of the quotes from the book that I have yet to come across. "Something (can't remember has been 12 years) swept through the streets like a Varian.
I've been reading Iain M. Banks's Culture books. Some great science fiction, brilliant characters and a cool setting. Highly recommended by me.
At the recommendation of Yahtzee Croshaw: Set in a world where you can summon Lovecraft's nightmares from parallel universes with computational mathematics. Fun. I was too busy being terrified to notice.
I didn't see anything scary in that book. They don't even kill the people who aren't fit for the system. If anything it sounded like a pretty nice place to live.
Currently re-reading Night's Dawn trilogy by Hamilton. Need some "light reading" while crunching. However, next up is Rationally Irrational.
I was actually assigned that book by my wonderful teacher to read during Freshman year of High School. My mom put it on the List of Books Thou Shall Not Read Right Now, which, at the time, was an entirely new list that had never before been seen. Still haven't read it, and every few months I see more evidence I didn't miss much. I'll add this to the stack. If you haven't figured it out already, my mother was my teacher.
I couldn't sleep so I read Carmilla tonight on a whim. It ended up perfect for reading when you can't sleep. Short enough to be finished, long enough to tire the eyes, and generally a good read.