Simple suggestion for offline play, and you are going to have to follow me on this one... ...but if you have any form of it working locally Uber... and this is the part you will need to focus on following... should release it the 5th. Yep, honest suggestion, and I submit these reasons: 1) It would relieve a ton of traffic from the Uber servers for people playing petty singleplayer, even if it was singleplayer to start with 2) It would be a great show of faith, even if buggy or undesigned to work multiplayer. 3) Organized critics against this game would lose half their arsenal. There is the petty design choice stuff, but I have no suggestions on that except I wouldn't personally change it even in hindsight. So, just my suggestion, for the largest synergy with release, consider something about the serverside by the 5th. Release a local buggy version of serverside and call the game released while the server is still beta. Give an announcement on tenative work and progress on it and dates for serverside availability. Giving a solid date, end of year or whatever, would even raise a fundamental rally. This is only suggested, because I don't care when I play on the server, but when the public sees this as a very real independently functioning piece of program, or that you fully intend for this to be standalone by a specific date, they will likely more than double in support of this game. This also isn't a doom message of course, all the arguements I hear against this game feels like it is making my IQ drop, not because they are sheerly dumb, but because they are so cleverly dumb that they seem believable and trying to argue them like they are smart makes me less so.
Please... give us offline. The post on /r/gaming/ was a crapstorm already. (and server while you're at it? pretty please?
Same here. Releasing offline and server modes will help players with sub-par internet. Nobody likes crashing servers, server lag, or disconnects, am I right?
I agree. Releasing a game with DRM would be a huge mistake to the point where the negative backlash will almost completely smother the good features.
...and people will forget that in the end PA DID turn out to be DRM-Free. The big media's reviews dominate the web and I think "smother" is a good choice of words here.
Lol not quite, but they are using local servers at the expo, so it's very close to being ready for us. Zaphodx seemed to think that it would be VERY soon after launch. I think a week or so is quick enough to alleviate MOST of the crapstorm.