Textures constantly being reloaded again and again

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by RaTcHeT302, August 28, 2014.

  1. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    This never happened before the PTE update hit. Is there an option going to be added in order to be able to load the textures only once as before instead of having them be load every single time I'm zooming in and out?

    My performance was surprisingly great before this build but now the game constantly freezes like hell while I was able of getting a constantly solid 60 FPS before the patch.

    Also regarding the auto start thingy, I really don't understand why an option for it hasn't been added yet (in order to disable it). The automatic countdown is really annoying.

  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    It's always worked this way. Are you sure you have latest graphics drivers? Also what is amount of video memory your GPU have?
  3. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    I'm just going to assume that it has something to do with the experimental servers seeing as I had to play on a US server, as I said already the game just ran fine on the normal builds.

    I really hope they are not going to leave out an offline mode, that would be fairly dissapoiting.
  4. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I pretty sure server-side have no idea what is textures at all. All textures in PA generated on the fly on GPU and likely never unloaded from video memory. Every time you move camera game generating new textures and it's always work this way.

    Now I tested new build a lot too and I'm now also see that situation with textures popping up get worse. Or it's looks worse because textures of lowest quality too different (more brighter in case of moons) than one appear instead of them.

    This is on Intel HD4600 on Linux.
  5. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    I swear I remember the planets being loaded once and that was it, the textures always using the highest quality setting instead of constantly getting unloaded like *** every time I zoomed in or out. I am not sure but they might've probably changed the way textures are being streamed.

    Edit: My settings were always the same as before. I already fiddled around with them just in case...I really don't think it's an issue on my side.
    Last edited by a moderator: August 28, 2014
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    that's because your pte settings and stable settings are in two separate files.
    go change the graphic settings.
  7. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    I saw some textures popping in too in the 1.0 PTE. Especially smaller details on a metal planet can pop in when you zoom quickly. I don't know if it is new though because metal planets suddenly are very interesting :p
  8. kayonsmit101

    kayonsmit101 Active Member

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    Yea I've always noticed this too. I'll try lowering the settings
  9. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    The game runs better at higher settings, ironicaly.

    The actual struttering comes from the very simple fact that the planets are never really fully loaded, metal planets being extremely demanding alone, could something be done about it in order for the planets to be fully loaded, rendered and built behind the actual loading screens?

    Still getting 60 FPS, although the game still strutters slightly after zooming out.
  10. varrak

    varrak Official PA

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    There was a timing value I changed that I noticed caused that kind of issue. I just submitted a fix, so it should look a lot better in the next PTE build.
    jeffwadsworth and Remy561 like this.
  11. devoh

    devoh Well-Known Member

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