Does it even matter what version the gold master for release is?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by devoh, August 29, 2014.

  1. devoh

    devoh Well-Known Member

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    I was thinking about this last night..

    I don't see how it matters at all.. because the first thing it does before you play is to make sure you have the latest build. So for example.. now Uber has until Sept 5th to fix what the people buying the release will see, that play on Sept 5th. If someone buys the release but doesn't play it till Oct 1st.. then what they will see is the current build as of Oct 1st.

    Pretty brilliant if you ask me and makes so many flame fests irrelevant. Uber knows what it's doing and will do what it takes to make PA the RTS game of it's time. Take as further proof.. Death Stars.. who saw that coming? While they were being dragged across hot coals for daring to making a decision that the release was happening VERY soon.. they kept on working.. on DEATH STARS!..

    I wish I was going to PAX so I could buy you guys a beer or other fine refreshing beverage.


  2. c4ptainpronin

    c4ptainpronin Active Member

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    It mostly just pisses off a lot of people, that certain features are not included in the release build, like 40 player multiplayer, multiplayer galactic war or unit canons.
    So while it may not matter that much to the average costumer, there are still a lot of people, that will talk **** about this game and or give it bad review scores, which in turn has a real influence on sales.
    Lets just hope that it sells enough on the DEATH STARS **** YEAH trailer that development can continue until the game is finished.
    Antiglow likes this.
  3. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    These were never promised for released, and only promised that they'd be in the game eventually.
  4. GoogleFrog

    GoogleFrog Active Member

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    It does matter because many people will base their first impression off the initial release state of the game. It is also likely to matter for reviewers who tend to want to review recently released games.
  5. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Yes but as I've told many people in the past- the vast majority of players do not know of these apparent "promises" and so reviewers and players won't base their expectations on features not included, but with features that /are/ included. How often do you see a player come to forums saying the game's missing features they were promised? Near never unless they've been lurking for a loooong while. All I see are happy reviews and suggestions for the game for the most part. The large majority of players have never heard of what some people here consider promises for 1.0 and so have no idea something is apparently missing or should have been in game.
  6. c4ptainpronin

    c4ptainpronin Active Member

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    Lets say it was strongly implied. After all those were stretch goals/things they based their marketing on.
    Im mostly fine with the current state of the game but that doesnt change the fact, that a lot of people are not and they will be the loudest.
  7. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Well as I always say, assumptions about things are never good. ;)

    The majority of the player base have never once visited these forums and don't have any idea of the features some here considered were promised for 1.0 The majority of players don't even know that the game will continue to be updated with new features I'd imagine either! Most players I've seen that were regular ole' guys that don't visit here often love the game and only make suggestions for how to better it. ( of course things like shields, t3, and other stuff confirmed not going to happen)

    I think more players need to think about all the stuff we DO have and not only the stuff we DON'T have.
  8. melhem19

    melhem19 Active Member

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    to me, it does matter
  9. devoh

    devoh Well-Known Member

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    Even though to play the game it will instantly upgrade you to the current version? I'm willing to bet that no one will ever even play the "released" version, for this very reason. Since there is no offline mode yet, all we can do it play the PTE or stable versions which evolve quickly.
  10. GoogleFrog

    GoogleFrog Active Member

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    I thought about mentioning this in my previous post but decided not to because the OP did not mention it.

    The state "promises" may or may not be relevant to the people outside this forum. I do not want to put forth an opinion here because it is not relevant. My point and response ignores the state and opinions of the promises on this forum. You seem to have pattern matched my post into "release is important because something to do with unfulfilled promises" whereas it just says that the release is important because it is a first impression. This is true of all releases regardless of what each particular developer claims about their game.

    In short your response to my post does not actually mesh with my post. At no point do I talk about promises or people who read this forum.
  11. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    First impressions matter. And if that impression includes DRM, what do you think the reaction will be?
    kjotak109 likes this.
  12. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    Something along the line of negative reviews and backlash?
  13. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    kjotak109 likes this.
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    As a former Vanguard, I saw it coming. I also, y'know, made a lot of in-progress reports where I could, and metal planet superweapons was one of those. I understand to the majority, it has to be hard to keep up with how close something is to done, but if they are working on something like metal planets, that don't change around a lot and been worked on peacemeal for half a year, then you know how very possible it is.

    I knew it would be the new annihilation option. I was suprised how they did it, but in retrospect it shouldn't been a suprise.

    What I have faith in now to hope for, is Uber making a "point" moddable in generation on a planet, and a structure being lockable to a "point" that is modded in. In that way, we could make, for instance, new t2 power that you can only place on "geothermal" points, possibly exactly like metal points with an orange particle glow instead of a metallic colored wave.

    EDIT: Just for the record, and this edit is 2 seconds after posting, it is of course the "royal" "I". As in, when I say I made a lot of in-progress reports, I mean I am terrible at actual word formatting and usually MadSci and Nano heavily edited it to comprehensive levels, I just contributed thoughts, usually the thoughts themselves illegible. I am shame bringing to lotus and oneday seppuku honor unto myself for face of others ofcourse (hows THAT for illegible), but hey, at least I was the guy that keeps track with development, you can only say that for a few people like former Vanguard and Brianpurkiss.

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