Ah yes, I missed that. It depends on the data, I've noticed that they kind of compete closely depending on which year the data comes from. It just shows that there is little correlation between gun crime and gun laws and it's mainly part of narcotics. I don't think many people in Hawaii or Vermont care too much for drugs.
Notice the stats California, a state where getting a gun is as easy as getting a dog. (hyperbole, ho!) However, correlation does not imply causation. Lax ownership laws just make it easier for murderers to get their weapons. Also, I'm pretty sure you can get a handgun in New York. Not 100% sure, but pretty sure.
No one in this thread has said ANYTHING against ownership for protection. This entire post is beyond irrelevant.
Good joke, lad. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_California http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_New_York
Nope. It was directed at the guy that said he would do whatever the best scenario is in a home invasion. He suggested that being compliant would be the best thing to do.
Registration and regulation can protect the registered and regulated. I'm in favor of stricter gun laws, but against most gun bans.
You first post super emotional pictures how some poor victim of violence was missing a gun so could not defend themselves and THEN you post images saying we should get emotions out of the discussions? ... I am so happy I do not actually have to care if you guys shoot each other or not. Or if the attacker doesnt beat the victim, but instead directly shoots it. *waves the white flag and leaves*
I'm in favor of letting things be legal. If you insist on stripping away someone's rights, let them regain it somehow. I have issues with prison time being used as an actual punishment. Stopped caring. Don't care. Makes my life easier since I'm being brickwalled anyways.
Well here's a fact for you, the violent crime rate in the U.S. is 23 times that of the one in Canada. Guess where you can legally get a gun here. Go ahead, keep guessing. Alright, I'll give you a hint. Absolutely nowhere.
I wonder where Bourque got his firearms if there are no firearms in Canada. There's a community for shooting spots in Canada too. It's just heavily restricted. Canucks are finding innovative ways to deal with prohibitive firearm laws. It's pretty fun to watch.
2,000% higher gun homicide rate than Australia. And the armed robbery stat for Australia is false, too. Using things like 99.9% sounds impressive until you consider how large a number of guns that 0.1% actually is. I can rebut the rest, but can't be bothered. The fact is, myself and everyone around me does not fear or even consider the possibility of being shot. I know where I'd rather live.
First, I said "legally get a gun". Reading comprehension, bruh. Second, I know of the shooting sport spots here, but unlike the states, you can't bring the guns home.
You can bring the guns home if you own them. This is the first time I've heard otherwise about Canadian law.
Like, in the rest of the developed world, guns don't even factor into any thinking for going anywhere or doing anything. I don't have to avoid a scummy area of a city for fear of getting shot. I don't have to worry about pissing off a policeman lest he turn his gun on me. Guns just aren't even mentioned except by radically ignorant people and that one jackass who runs UKIP
How hard is it to understand. There's no such thing as gun control. All you are saying is that people with guns and badges should enforce gun laws against people who have guns. Cops are one of the most vile type of people. More people were killed in the U.S by cops than people killed in Afghanistan and Iraq during the same years, and you think these people are suitable to exclusively carry firearms. Also, if I shoot someone, I go to prison 25-life. If a cop shoots someone and then it's found that it was 'unnecessary use of force' (which it rarely is), they might lose their job.
That's a problem with the police, not gun laws. If you're a police officer in a state where anyone could be carrying a gun, you're forced to go for your gun faster.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/pol...lised-and-licensed-Nigel-Farage-has-said.html Nigel Farage wants handguns to be legalised insofar as they can be obtained with an approved license. Oh wow what a gun nut! /sarcasm. Please, don't try and wage your war on everything in a thread that has a specific topic.