Why are you arguing against something you don't understand? When you have to kill someone to protect the immediate safety of you or others, you aim for center mass. It is the largest target on the body, making it easier to hit. Having time to aim for the head (or a non-vital if you argue the other way) means your life probably wasn't in danger to begin with.
No I understand it perfectly. I'm not arguing against it. It just seems odd to suggest people are more likely to survive a gunshot if you shoot them in the chest.
Yes, but there are tons of reasons to aim for it. A narrow miss doesn't even phase a human if a limb is hit, a person already dazed numbed or hypertense will not notice otherwise, and bad aim may screw you less. Besides that, again, modern medicine, doctors sew that stuff up all the time.
Also noteworthy, ANYTIME something with a gun goes wrong, it gets put on the news, but ANYTIME something with a gun goes right, you WONT see it. For instance, down here where I live, an overnight cashier at a convinence store was being held at gunpoint, and my coworker's son shot him from his car, when the crook turned violent and fired back into the counter at the clerk. Hit his back, the guy will be able to walk again, but is obviously charged with attempted murder. The problem is, the news doesn't show guns saving lives. It just shows what it wants. Then, people don't want to make up their own opinions from their own facts. I seen more than enough times both the good and bad firsthand. Anyone dumb enough not to keep guns out of child access, is an idiot. I took a small handgun from a young family member once, never gave it back to the owner, they sure as hell didn't need it, they would put it exact same place for the kid to have again. People that abuse guns, probably should have strict court orders never to have one again else face hard time.
Yeah... I guess if everyone has access to guns that's a logical consequence Something is always wrong when people shoot with lethal weapons at each other.
That's a complete non-sequitur. Please justify why it's disrespectful, because I think you're just talking a bunch of nonsense.
Take Moms Demand Action. They use the deaths of children to shove around politics (that indirectly cause deaths of such manner).
You didn't justify anything. Also, you don't have the right to drive, but you have the right to seek employment. Car ownership often makes you more employable as you can actually go place to work. But cars can be dangerous, so people are bound by laws on how they drive and by other laws on the safety of said cars. If you aren't responsible with your car, you lose the privilege of being able to drive one. You have the right to life, and the right to safety. Just like cars, gun ownership is capable of helping you achieve something else. And just like cars, guns can be dangerous. And just like cars, if you're not responsible with your guns, you should lose the privilege of being able to use one. My issue with America's gun problem is not that guns exist. It's not that people own guns. It is with this belief that A well regulated militia is somehow related to personal defence. It's not. A militia is not a police force. It's not for personal defence. And It is with the lack of regulation of 1) how easy it is to get a gun, 2) the types of guns that are permitted. America has no consistent laws on gun ownership. Hell, some states forbid the sale of certain types of guns, but don't forbid the ownership of them... but the next state over is only 60 miles away, and their laws are a lot more liberal. The poor guy who died, died because he was acting irresponsibly. He should have never been permitted to be in that situation in the first place.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate Australia: 0.13 gun-related homicides per 100,000 people. America: 3.60 gun-related homicides per 100,000 people. That's a 2769% increase in the gun-related homicides rate between the US and Australia. That damn statistical evidence. Also relevant: http://theconversation.com/faking-w...-americans-abuse-australian-crime-stats-11678
Fun fact: If you take the gang-infested areas out of gun violence statistics, America's actually pretty normal. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. A well regulated meal, being necessary to the healthiness of a person, the right of the people to keep and eat breakfast shall not be infringed. The 2A doesn't give rights to only militiamen. "A well regulated Militia" is arguably just a precursor line.
The word militia is not a word you casually drop into your country's bill of rights. Every word is carefully and deliberately chosen. It's there for a reason. It's not "just a precursor line" and there's nothing arguable about that.
I just can't comprehend the mindset that you NEED a weapon, or people's excessive defence of their right to have an item that's sole purpose is to maim/kill another person
Are you reading it right? The part after the comma clearly stands by itself. A well regulated forum, being necessary to free speech, the right of the people to use the forums shall not be infringed. False. Recreational shooting is a fun hobby and has as much merit as something potentially deadly like racing. You can also go hunting for some nice game. Hmm, just like how a knife can be used for many things!
So, the other activities you can do with a gun are... - Shoot a target that represents a person - Shoot an animal. Also bear in mind the OP of this thread was "recreational shooting" and the asshat instructor got himself shot by a 9 year old. You can bring up racing but there are still laws about age and ability when driving.
You're not familiar with American legislation, then. You can drive anything on your own property without a care in the world. Public road laws don't apply on your land. The instructor's death was unfortunate, yes, but he shouldn't have stood so close to someone while they were discharging a firearm. P.S The targets I see most often are like the ones used in darts. Assuming they all look like people is pretty arrogant. Are you sure you're not a dangerous criminal :^)?