If you've been having problems using OBS to record PA (recording a black screen,) we have a fix! Just delete and re-add the Game Capture source (make sure you're using Game Capture) for PA in OBS. We've noticed this issue for Nvidia cards, but it may be in issue with AMD as well. If you're still having any issues, please let us know.
This was an issue? I had it, immediately did that, shrugged and never looked back. Wasn't that hard, I have to refresh the process name it looks for all the time for games with updates. One time I moved 5 nights at Freddy's, then had to go back to "game capture" and it found the newly named process and worked. I can't believe this has a thread.... Also, well technically, you don't need to delete that game capture, just go to the game capture and right click and go to properties and, while the game is open, find the running process from the list and click accept and ok. That will use the new process.
Just want to bring attention to problem with new stable build 71459. @masterofroflness just reported he have problems with DxTory: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/everytime-i-start-pa-i-get-a-black-screen.63392/ Also other player on Steam had issues with Bandicam: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/35222218842069386/ Is there was some change causing this?