Crashing after new multiplayer splashscreen

Discussion in 'Support!' started by neklusa, August 24, 2014.

  1. neklusa

    neklusa New Member

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    Hey guys I've started receiving crashes after the new multiplayer splash screen. Not an instant crash, but a crash that makes the planetary annihilation window go blueish-black and then i get the windows 8 loading circle for my mouse. It will tell me that the program is not responding and i can either wait or force close it.

    When i reopen the program i have the ability to reconnect or abandon. I press reconnect and since the splash screen of all of the commanders doesn't appear there i can connect and it shows me in the sun. I have to double tap "b" to find my commander.
    Just a few specs for my computer:
    I have an i-5 4670k
    Gtx 760 2gb
    8gb of gskill ram

    I built this computer myself. Just as a comparison i can get max settings on arma 3 and battlefield 4 at like 100 fps. But i can barely stay at 50fps on medium settings in Planetary annihilation. Great game, i just need help optimizing it. I already tried enabling threaded optimizations, it didn't help at all.

    EDIT: I attached the file.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: August 25, 2014
  2. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    Please follow the instructions in my signature and post your Dxdiag.

    But based on what you are describing, it sounds like you have outdated drivers or your 550W PSU is struggling to satisfy your GTX 760's power requirements (500W).

    I would highly recommend grabbing an 800-900W PSU in order to keep your system running at optimal levels. I have an 850W PSU and I never had any crashing issues with my machine.
  3. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    A 500w PSU is fine for his system unless he did some extreme overclocking
  4. neklusa

    neklusa New Member

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    I attached the graphics screen(dxdiag, yeah, i actually knew what that was!) Also btw. My whole setup takes about 400 watts max and i overclocked a tiny bit. About 440 watts in total.
  5. neklusa

    neklusa New Member

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    Hey killerkiwiJuice, its me sitdowncreepa/CreepaGaming from twitch. Used my other email because that was already on my steam account and uber recognized that i had an account from monday night combat. My original internet name was neklusa and that was put in for the uber stuff. So yeah. Nice to see you on the forums!
    killerkiwijuice likes this.
  6. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    Your Nvidia card is up to date, but your Intel card is outdated:

    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date/Size: 7/2/2014 13:48:32, 17555104 bytes
    Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date/Size: 1/25/2014 02:22:46, 19380224 bytes
    Please follow the instructions below to update your Intel graphics drivers:

    Alternatively, you could try disabling your Intel card in the BIOS. I had BSOD problems on my computer until I turned off the Intel card.
  7. neklusa

    neklusa New Member

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    So i tried updating the intel card, updated a ton of things didn't fix it, it crashed even faster. I cant disable it in the bios because my second monitor relies on it.
  8. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    You could try unplugging your second monitor before disabling the Intel card. PA doesn't like secondary monitors at this time.

    Are you running the game via the Uber Launcher or Steam? If you are running via Steam, make sure to disable Steam Community ingame and opt out of Steam Beta.

    Are any antiviruses or firewalls installed?
  9. neklusa

    neklusa New Member

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    I unplugged my second monitor, i only have microsoft security essentials. and i disabled my steam overlay and opted out of the beta. My frames are worse and after the test game i played finished the game crashed. The splash screen appeard. The blueish black thing appeard but it took like a minuet to load the planets. I think the game crashed at the end because i had like 1000 bots. But after the splash screen it takes like a minuit of darkness to get to the planets. Unplugging the monitor had no effect.
  10. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    You could try running the game via the Uber Launcher to see if it fixes any Steam related issues.

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