Map Mass Deposits

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tatsujb, August 20, 2014.


Who thinks Map Mass Deposits is a good idea?

  1. Me (explain)

  2. Not Me (explain) (also this poll option if you're somehow caught in between, you can develop below)

  1. ledarsi

    ledarsi Post Master General

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    I think what you're really asking for is rocks.

    TA maps often had a very large amount of metal scattered across the map in the form of rocks. Rocks made early constructors pay for themselves very quickly, and encouraged players to spread out far and wide with reclaimers to gather as much metal from rocks all over the map as possible.

    Rocks also kickstarted the speed of the game even if metal extraction was very slow. For example, metal spots on Painted Desert had extremely low yields, but the game still started very fast due to rock reclaim. And then after the metal has been converted into units which fight, now those rocks have become wrecks which can also be reclaimed.

    It seems like it would be fairly straightforward to add a "rock density" slider to planet generation. Which would determine how many rocks there would be, and perhaps how large they would be, on that planet. Which adds a very interesting difference on top of metal spot density. You can have planets with low metal and lots of rocks, or high metal and no rocks, or high both, or low both.
    Last edited: August 21, 2014
    xankar, stuart98 and eroticburrito like this.
  2. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Thats really not good idea, just delet post we dont wont start make this game + interesting isnt it.
    Start use tatic options to you become supreeme commander on fielf to fight for the mass deposits might start put ppl like this game a bit moore and thats not good so no thats bad idea.
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    lol Kath, I can't delete a post, it's not possible to do this and I don't know what kind of authority you think you have over me but you're not the boss of me.

    other than that I have no idea what you said. maybe it was for, maybe it was against. I literally can't tell.
    eroticburrito likes this.
  4. optimi

    optimi Well-Known Member

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    Essentially: "This is a SupCom feature, it would make the game interesting, people would like it more and that's bad!

    igncom1 and tatsujb like this.
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    How the Fudge do you understand his toddler-with-full-mouth garble?

    Here have an all-understanding ear award! Prestigious medal only given once every 5 years to a single member of the community.
    (of course this is meant to be taken lightly, take it as a compliment, Kath... well by now everybody knows he's a troll)
  6. optimi

    optimi Well-Known Member

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    I'm honored. /bows.
    Ain't Kath a girl? ;)
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    see this is the kinda stuff I know because I have to hang around with him in FAF.

    I also know that Kath is his enth smurf name and the one he had to stick with because Zep stopped his smurfing rampage for good.

    Under GPGnet he was known as TecTec

    sadly his current name does not contain his previous name changes :
    only one previous name

    but his "Katherine" account was pretty funny. He must have set some sort of record for name change.
  8. optimi

    optimi Well-Known Member

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    Oh, I just found your thread on the FAF forums. What a lovely guy.
  9. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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  10. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Crap you didnt get what i was try to say under a hironic argumensts.
    Daam i miss so mush smart guys that understant the secret words we diferent ppl say!

    Read again and slow ,try understant what i really want make this community understood...
  11. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    No offense but... You really may want to try to improve your spelling/grammer.

    Not only does it make it difficult to read through your posts, even with the best of reading composition, it even detracts from your arguments and makes it difficult for people to relate or understand your reasoning. Subjectiveness is also not the best route for proving something not very good or is. (Ironically) The best way is through being objective and giving real examples as apposed to spouting about with clear bias, without even taking a moment to read and comprehend another's post and respond fairly.

    Note: I'm not sure if English is your first language or not, and if not, my apologies for pointing the incomprehensible writing. Just wanted to give you some help to understand why exactly people may not take you too seriously.
  12. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    He was trolling. Look at his write style on the FAF forums. He is perfectly capable of expressing himself in a proper manner.

    For some reason he doesn't want to have FAF features included in PA, while also claiming that he prefers FAF over PA at the same time.
  13. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    I think there is a fair point here in that having more mex near your spawn gives you a huge advantage...

    I'm really hoping we get a proper map editor that's easy to use, this would allow the community to make properly balanced maps.

    I'd be happy to buy this as an expansion or it be added to a new kickstarter (along with super units ect)
  14. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    where? because his posts on FAF are more of the same.
    sorry for being retarded, though we did make it a common agreement on many-a-thread in the PA forum to use the "/s" tag at the end whenever utilising sarcasm as sarcasm doesn't translate from one language to another.

    every language uses it differently.
  15. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    That or make the sarcasm blatantly obvious.
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I've learned and not only from the internet that "obvious" is also ...completely. ...subjective.

    it is "obvious" to me that PA should feature a ladder + ranking 1v1 + ranking team at 1.0
    it is "obvious" to me that PA should feature all of the KS stretch goals at launch.

    obvious eludes me, I guess.

    but I agree Kath using sarcasm is like squidward with his clarinet. : )
    igncom1 likes this.
  17. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I'd argue that where the KS stretch goals are concerned, Uber are doing just that *

    *big caveat: All stretch goals will be in the game with at least a first pass... this is NOT saying they are finished to their full potential.

    I think the problem is some of the Stretch goals are actually pretty big projects in of themselves to get everything in (e.g. the 3 types of GW game, that’s a lot of work), so to actually get the game out in a reasonable time span Uber are going with getting the fundamentals of everything in.
  18. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I agree. and understand.

    those things don't really matter to me (actually I would only use it as a pretext if the unit cannon was in the KS stretch goals, again.... something that, it seemed "obvious" to me, was not necessary).

    I rather care about the ladder. but I digress.
  19. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    yes. though "rocks" shaped like the unit cannon or some other wreak, I wouldn't say no to. : )

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