Global Chat

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by nofear1299, July 24, 2014.

  1. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    You know what they are doing.

    They wanted to try global chat in a smaller environment first. And it turned out exactly the way it was predicted.

    Looks like @BradNicholson is soon™ going to have another job as a chat moderator.
    ArchieBuld likes this.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    they put no moderators and in a community playing phones games! this is forgery, these results are worthless if they wanted to aim for those results they couldn't have done it better.

    meanwhile my invitation to try out FAF global : continues to remain ignored!
    stuart98 likes this.
  3. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    That's because FAF is a more tight nit community of people who have gone out of their way to join.

    Did you ever see the global chat in the command & conquer games back in their time?

    Yeah, the global chat is good for the people who want to use it legitimately.....but so few people really make up that amount of people.

    As such, I am still very much against having a opt out global chat.

    And it's not like a global chat has actually held back the current community for PA.
    sycspysycspy likes this.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    you're being so destructive towards a feature that is potentially soooooooo good and that I know to be good from experience.

    lack of modderators will have been C&C's problem. If done right, nothing can make global chat go wrong.
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Using some mobile game to test this is completely stupid.
    There are existing testcases with games that are just like PA and they worked. It's a mystery to me how anyone could doubt PA would work out different from FA(F)
    tatsujb and stuart98 like this.
  6. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    FAF is a now 7 years old title which isn't marketed any more which means that the remaining community is condensed down to those who behave properly, there are very few trolls left and there are no new ones joining either.

    PA on the other hand is still being actively advertised for which means that there is a significant stream of new users which are not necessarily mature enough to behave properly. Not as bad as in Toy Rush which is about the worst case scenario, but still bad enough.
    sycspysycspy and igncom1 like this.
  7. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Well in my experience, it has never been the case.

    So I will have the be 'destructive' to this feature, because unless we have a legion of mods (That not even this forum has) I just can't see it working out to be anything other then a part of the screen people ignore unless they want a argument.

    Just stick to the smaller community stuff, people are much nicer in the smaller community's of dedicated fans.
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    How can PA not afford a "legions of mods" when they have money and are currently recruiting and expanding when FAF does and FAF has no money and they work for free

    how hard can it be?
  9. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    FAF doesn't survive without people willing to step in and do the job, which is why FAF was founded, to step in and ensure people can play supcom.

    if it were easy, everybody would be doing it.

    And money isn't free, espically when you are running a business.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I know but my point is UBER can most definitely afford the mods and it's a very good investment
  11. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    You, Sir, are underestimating the scale. "Global" chat in PA isn't going to be global. You just can't put more than 100-200 users in the same channel without impairing usability. Trying to stuff all 2.000 (or more) online players into the same channel is going to look the same as the Hive Mind sessions of Anonymous attacks or that Pokemon experiment on twitch. Meaning that proper communication becomes impossible.

    Then you also have the "kiddy"-factor. Tons of immature users who are going to spam in every single channel as soon as the moderator isn't watching for a moment. Only one has to start and go by unpunished, and hell breaks loose within seconds.

    This means you are going to need 24/7 moderation of all channels, with reaction times of less than a minute. Considering mere 1.000 players in global chat, that makes about 10 channels or a demand of 2-3 moderators per shift. That makes for 9 new full time positions just for moderating the global chat.
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I do not believe PA is that much bigger than FA. Yes FAF had a long time before it came to be, but I have nice memories of GPGnet right after release of SupCom. Nothing bad there for the most part. Not worse than this forums really.

    Really you guys have to live in a different world to think there would be any real issues :S
    thepilot and tatsujb like this.
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Exxagerated. A single moderator can be summoned with a "report" button. A report button is clicked by a responsible user on an irresponsible one, and a single moderator bounces to that channel. Bam, acceptable reaction time on all channels by a single moderator.

    Besides, if Uber doesn't do it, it will just be established by the community, and then moderated, and then recieve less retention and use as a side effect, but at least it will benefit the users who want it and will use it for the long run. I guess that's a shame for the larger audience? I mean, it's a shame the larger audience would move on or lose out on a big feature like that, but I won't care as much because I will have it. Even if it has to be a chatango divison of channels posted in a forum thread, maybe a teamspeak...

    Really, if it is at least synced to the game by Uber as a default tool installed with the game, then Uber benefits. If not, Uber benefits less but the people seeking it will still get it. This doesn't even make it a "costly" venture, it could be a few text chat channels that all mount to the main menu and social-bar, it could even be outsourced from an existing chat of some form by the community like a teamspeak mount or chatango or something.
    igncom1 likes this.
  14. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    Of course. But not by much. 24/7 moderation is still 4 full time positions, no matter what you do. Also you can't rely on users making use of the report function, discussions are still going to derail frequently without anyone feeling responsible to report. If reporting did work, MMORPGs wouldn't have any trouble with gold seller spam either.

    There is only one possible solution I can think of, and that is adding global chat as a mod. Not opt-out, but specifically opt-in.
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Pfft, no, it takes like 1 moderator 24/7 which means 3 could work. AND, thats if you don't just use some green names on the forums or other trusted members of the community.

    And you really announce to the entire community here, that reporting posts does nothing? MMORPGs are free to play usually. Pfft. People spam free accounts there. Having paid the game cost to get into the chat in the first place, and offense "removes chat privledges" for the cost of that purchase, so to spam it is spamming that cost. Besides, even in this very forum "moderation" works. This forum is a "better test" than toyrush global chat was.

    SMNC global chat wasn't even ever that bad. It was free too. It was also "fresh" and "high capacity". It worked alright. Someone needs to moderate it. Moderating is easy to do, you give someone a "lock out of connecting to chat" button and tell them if they see offending messages to use it. Make the button automatically log the offending users last chat as well? That way, they have a record of evidence.

    For lesser offenses, also make a move chat button. Make a lobby to request certain game types, a lobby to do other stuff, and a general main room chat. Anyone doing random stuff, gets reset to main room chat. They keep moving rooms and typing random in specific channels, they get removed from the chat (though you think being moved twice they would just get the hint)
  16. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    MMORPGs are a nice example of how spammers are the smaller evil compared to not having a chat at all.
    I am currently playing a lot of EVE online and the local chat of the biggest trade hub there basically is 99% spam for scams (as CCP allows players to scam each other), but among all that trash a few nice people lurk around and I quickly ended up finding nice people to talk with in that channel.
    So even if you have a lot of trash, the few good bits are still worth it.

    And PA won't be as bad, as it is very very similar to TA and FA. No games of that type have had any issues with global chats ever. Rather the chats were a vital part of the online multiplayer community.
    You'll also most likely not end up with that many players in them actually if you only have them join while
    a) they clicked "multiplayer"
    b) they are not ingame right now.

    but really this discussion is getting old :/
    thepilot likes this.
  17. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Look, the worst global chats out there are F2P MMOs.
    This game is neither of those, and the gameplay requires actual thought to execute. Thus, we will (hopefully) attract a more mature person to this game, and to the global chat. The P2P aspect of it helps with this, but honestly I wouldn't count on it. I do not like the idea of a global chat in PA because so far, from what I've experienced, global chat for a semi-closed system does not end constructively.

    Now, I think there should be some sort of Looking for 1v1, Looking for 2v2 Rooms - but I could ALSO argue that we do not need them - just make a game for either of those categories, and people will join them.

    if you build it, they will come.

    No global chat. Focus on something more important. If people have a need to talk to someone on the Internet, make them find an avenue, which in the case of this community is not hard, and use it responsibly and meaningfully.


    Ladder System
    Gas Giants
    Exploding Rainbows
    Exploding Things.
    More Exploding
    Unit pathing <---
  18. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    hey grow up! :p
  19. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I think you've misspelled 'unit pathing' in the first six items.
    stuart98, Siylenia and mered4 like this.
  20. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    How about an adult chat, can only be used by us who pay 5 bucks every month, that should be enough money to afford one mod for the chat.

    It makes me sad that the solution is just to remove chats, the amount of online friends ive made in the old days because of global chat.

    Sometimes i wonder if Kim dude in North Korea see's freedom the same way, oh you know freedom is only flaming, and trolls and haters, so REMOVE IT!.

    And he could be right couldn he ?. its to hard to moderate freedom. interesting interesting.

    Still feel like there should be global chat for adults, use realname or whatever, or if you get banned in chat you get banned for the game, ill take anything like that over not having a chat. It makes me sad that the future of social in games so bad. and im not even a social person. infact im about as unsocial as you get.

    TLDR this trend is making me sad, as an old school gamer. :(

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