Missing features, game breaking bugs and other concerns

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by planktum, August 18, 2014.

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  1. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    I thought it would be good to list all our pre-release concerns in one thread. Please keep it simple, let's not go off on any big tangents. I just want to see if the list is going to be a manageable task for Uber to deliver leading up to release.

    I'll get it started...

    *Unit Pathing
    *Gas Giants
    *Weapon effects
    *Unit wrecks/reclaim
    *Naval Units
    *Unit Balance (yes this will be tweaked after release, but you would expect it to be relatively stable on release)
    *Dare I say it... Unit cannon :)

    I would have expected updates/PTEs to come through hard and fast as we ramp up towards release, however it seems Uber have been pretty quiet.

    P.S. I believe Uber have created an amazing game as it stands, however that doesn't discount the fact that we still have concerns. I don't want people to think this is a hate on Uber thread, because it's not and shouldn't be taken that way!
    Remy561 and kjotak109 like this.
  2. Jaedrik

    Jaedrik Active Member

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    I must appeal everyone to patience and humility before this goes any farther.
  3. sycspysycspy

    sycspysycspy Active Member

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    Oh no, not again...
    Jaedrik and cptconundrum like this.
  4. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    WIP, I honestly see this as the game's only obvious problem. The AI is competent enough as it stands, but the pathing remains a problem.
    *Gas giants
    They are in the next milestone release
    *Unit wrecks/reclaim
    Meh. dead horse here. They know how we feel, and need not be reminded.
    Also in the next update. Don't think I cannot read past that [REDACTED] nonsense, Uber. ;)
    Don't go there. Please.
    *Unit balance
    Needs to be settled before release. I can honestly say I think we are getting there. If the Unit Cannon was there things would be totally different.
    *Unit Cannon
    This thread should be titled the Attempted Resuscitation of the Most Obnoxious Dead Horses in This Community
    drz1 likes this.
  5. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    *Unit Pathing

    Being worked on.

    *Gas Giants

    Most likely going to be in 1.0

    *Weapon effects

    I agree with this one. Too many weapons look the same. With RCBM and Statera there's more variety to the projectiles so the battles look... well. beautiful.

    *Unit wrecks/reclaim

    Wrecks were recently removed because of the pathing issues they created. I wish they would fix the pathing issues rather than remove such a useful feature.


    God I hope Asteroid Belts are the surprise feature for 1.0...

    *Naval Units

    Naval certainly is very lacking.

    *Unit Balance (yes this will be tweaked after release, but you would expect it to be relatively stable on release)

    Yes. But I've voiced my concerns on this a lot. tldr: current balance of upgraded T2 is very flawed at its core concept and should be thrown out the window.

    *Dare I say it... Unit cannon

    I'd rather have one way drop pods. We'll get this eventually though.
    archmagecarn, ace63 and kjotak109 like this.
  6. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    We are no longer friends. I'm throwing away the ring.

    :eek: :D
    tatsujb likes this.
  7. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I'd rather have one way drop pods because they are more versatile and will be easier to make, requiring less dev time.

    The Unit Cannon is iconic, but only useable in certain situations. Moon orbiting a planet.

    One way drop pods can be used in many situations. Single planet and multi planet.
    mered4 likes this.
  8. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    I forgot to mention...

    *Offline play
    kjotak109 likes this.
  9. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    RCBM and Statera?
  10. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    And server access!
    kjotak109 likes this.
  11. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    They're two balance mods.

    I'd highly recommend giving RCBM a try. I prefer it over vanilla.

    More info: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/wip-the-realm-community-balance-mod.58942/

    And here's some gameplay videos with RCBM: http://pamatches.com/category/realm-balance-mod/
    squishypon3 and drz1 like this.
  12. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I don't know how I feel that balance needs to be stable at release, people always seem to reference TA as a god here when- 1.0 TA's balance was pretty bad. It never really improved top much either without the balance mods.

    OTA ai was also really dumb nothing like we have. We have some really great ai, this ai would rofl stomp the poor supcom ai as well. (Just a random thought about how PA has greatly improved over the others)
    cptconundrum likes this.
  13. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    There's going to be a huge influx of players at 1.0. If they don't have an enjoyable experience, then a lot of them are going to leave and not come back.

    Also, most people don't like change. Particularly casual players. They won't like it if they have to re-learn PA every few weeks.

    New features can be exciting. Changing unit stats frequently can get annoying.
  14. steambirds

    steambirds Member

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    I think the hardest part about gas giants are these:
    Making the units look good
    Making metal spots actually appear.

    I guess metal extractors could have some kind of long pole that reaches into the fog of the gas giant.
    Other units could be floating by some kind of propulsion system.
  15. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Metal spots probably won't be available on gas giants. It's be silly first off, and second.. they'll most likely be giving huge amounts of energy.
  16. steambirds

    steambirds Member

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    What reason (other than logic) would there be to not have metal on gas giants? In real life, a gas giant close enough to its star could theoretically have a gaseous metal atmosphere, although I'm not certain of the plausibility.
  17. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Well gaining tons of energy as well as extra metal spots is OP :p

    Same reason metal planets don't let you place extractors all over, it's already a devastating weapon.
  18. steambirds

    steambirds Member

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    I don't think Gas Giants should give extra energy, how would that be done? Besides, I think they should just function as any normal planet does.
  19. optimi

    optimi Well-Known Member

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    How could they work as a normal planet? The idea was that you could build orbital gas extractors to suck helium for fusion reactors.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  20. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Uber have discussed gas giants several times (particularly in live streams). The general ideas for them are:

    - As it's gas there will be no surface to build on, so they will be orbital only

    - There will be some special units that can only be made on gas giants, the one they mentioned was a type of generator that sucked up the gas from the planet to produce 'huge amounts of energy'

    So from that we have the idea that gas giants will be of strategic importance for energy production, but won't provide metal. There has to be *some* reason for them in the game (apart from the fact they will look awesome) so it kind of makes sense. I guess with no metal production and no land we can't use them as a starting planet :p
    squishypon3 likes this.
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