Teleporter Cost (tldr: the Teleporter is way too cheap)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by brianpurkiss, August 16, 2014.

  1. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    I agree with Brian.

    I also think the teleporter is definitly very strong in toomany games. Im not saying its always used to the fullest. Saying you need extra fabricators i dont see, its 400 metal and can easily be made by 1 expanding fabricator. Saying you need extra energy i dont think is true. When the fabricator is finished with his teleporter you already have that energy right. Also, your commander has enough to keep it running. On top of that i have the impression teleporters are quite tough. I feel the metal to hp ratio is excellent, teleporters are the most repaired unit in the game i think. On top of that commanders can ubercannon trough the hole on enemy's there while the enemy's will shoot at the foundation of the teleporter. The ability to instandly be on a random place of your choice is not possible using anything else. Building it from orbital is near-unstoppable since you can trow as many orbital units on 1 cm^2 (where is the small 2 that means squared ffs!). This should in theory allow you to fend of a planet full of avengers long enough to even reclaim umbrella's under you in order to clean up for teleport blueprints.

    1 way drop pods i dont like. I rather wait for the unit cannon to take that role but its unfair to say a 1 way ticket MUST be a unitcannon. In fact, your lacking imagination toomuch because there can be lots of things that are transports.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  2. sodusentinelx

    sodusentinelx Member

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    Orbital Carriers much?

    Units from the orbital factories that can hold an amount of all units except a commander. It would be cool to launch units to the ground from orbit though :D like a unit bombardement! This would give umbrellas another reason to be built inside you base :D

    "Beep-Beep: ready orbital defenses! Enemy Carrier incoming!!!" ALERT ALERT ALERT BATTLE STATIONS :D

    AW GAWD i can see this happening :D
  3. LmalukoBR

    LmalukoBR Well-Known Member

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    I don't think the teleporter needs nerfing, when it was introduced it was more expensive and it was t2, guess what happened? Nobody used it.

    This is a nice mechanic that speeds up the game, the changes you are proposing would make it even less used then it currently is. It is already pretty rare to see people using them for anything other then orbital invasion witch is a shame.

    I also agree with Clopse i don't want to build a ton of one way drop pods, that sounds pretty boring and micro intensive.

    Right now we just don't have the options to properly substitute them (ferry command of air units like in Supreme commander). Without those choices, the teleporter must remain the way it is, if they are introduced then you could start messing with it.
  4. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    I wasn't even upset, just noting that drop pods seem to be what a unit cannon provides. Not sure why that guy took it the way he did.
  5. bluestrike01

    bluestrike01 Active Member

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    With my teleports getting stuck many of the times I think their price is fine :)
    And as mentioned, when teleporters were more expensive, players were complaining they were unusable in planet invasions. I haven't had a game yet that ended in a stalemate since beta, I think thats more of a poor system setup issue. Altough I liked orbital more when achors were used for orbital invasions :)

    Speaking off, I would rather see anchors gone to make orbital invasions a bit easyer :)
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    jesus christ you guys why the hell didn't you post all of this over here ? all of you, not just @mot9001.

    it was on the front page at the same time, also it was there way before and lastly I posted the link to it in this thread 3 times already, this is the fourth.
    Last edited: August 17, 2014
  7. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    I reply'd there. Also im not keeping track of every forum topic, it might seem like it.
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    it's ok, just in the future don't post in the duplicate thread. post in the original.
  9. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    Its a different topic. Your topic is about a droppod with a telly in it. This one is a droppod with a random unit in it. Also there is talk about an overpowered/underpowered telly.
    brianpurkiss and igncom1 like this.
  10. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Yes sir mr forum boss.
    igncom1 likes this.
  11. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Math and simple logic doesn't magically work differently just because you're playing in an ffa or a team game. Going for a teleporter puts you down in useful material relative to your opponent/s. You built x, your opponent built y. As the game goes for longer, the disadvantage of building teleporters becomes relatively smaller, and breaking turtles becomes easier as it should. Maybe in different game modes that disadvantage is not as big as in a 1v1, but it is still there nonetheless.

    This is just stretching it into the ridiculous. You need to divorce player build execution in the wild from what the game actually allows. This picture you're painting is really muddy due to just bad reasoning - there is nothing stopping a player from simply not building pgens they don't need.

    What will you do when the community eventually evolves to a point where there is wider understanding of the implications of pgen timings, and the metagame is not so forgiving of mindless pgen spam? You know, a strategic RTS that punishes or rewards your macro management.

    Also, top players don't run with excess energy. That's how they become top players.
    Instead of pointing the finger of blame on the balance, why don't we first look to l2p to find a player solution. If you arn't able to scout teleporters with easy mode radar, control your flanks, or counter-attack with your higher number of units while using your defender's advantage, then you deserve to lose game advantage.

    There is always constant demand for PA to be 'more strategical', but then topics like this come along which kinda puzzle me. It's usually best to first improve positioning, map awareness, and build order before claiming something is op. So that you know it really is mechanically op, and not a l2p issue.
    High reward versus what, running 20 speed dox around the back of his base? Or are you playing 1000 radius planets? And if so, PA is more than just 1000 radius planets :p

    Single planet 1v1's are just as important, if not more so than any other game/system mod, for the very simple reason that we should learn to walk before we run. Also, single planet spawns are by far the most commonly played systems.

    If you're really arguing that turtling single planets from orbital invasions is hard, then I would say yes you are correct but then go on to have no pity for this issue. I for one am glad the 2 hour orbital spamfest stalemates of old are largely gone for good.
    Quitch and cptconundrum like this.
  12. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    no it freakin isn't.

    do you only speak picture? how about you read at least some of it?

    This is crazy I REALLY can't be allowing you to spew this, this is not the truth. That is really not what it is about. and as I said above, my thread is inclusive of this thread's content in the description of what it will talk about made in it's OP.

    I strongly suggest you read it again.

    also MY thread had the overpoweredness of the gate as it's main driving point and was there before. I can't count the number of times I've explained this already. It's like everybody's turning a deaf ear to it.
  13. wienerdog4life

    wienerdog4life Active Member

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    No, i was on your side there, bud.
  14. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Have you done a mass Astraeus invasion?

    It isn't micro intensive.

    Repeat build a lot of Astraeuses. Use the Area Command to pick up units (only one click).

    I'm not opposed to moving the Teleporter to advanced.

    However, if we do that, you're right, we need a basic orbital transport.
  15. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    Eh, the game is also a lot about distraction. Im pretty sure you can use teleporters with effect on 1v1. Maybe not so popular in planetary dox but previous patch it worked properly and i could get my inferno's a lot more safely to the enemy base.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  16. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    Actually, if you take into account the kiting of inferno's. A teleporter is actually the only sensible idea. If you lose 1 small army in a unfavorable confrontation you already better have made a teleporter i think.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  17. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Very much so.

    With the current dox build, not quite as much. But the Dox is OP.

    I've had the surprise teleporter used against me before. And I've also seen it used before many times. Normally on large planets. But I've even seen it used in close quarters 1v1 tournament play.

    It's a risky move, but the reward is great. It allows you to get an army into the backside of the enemy base away from the enemy's army. Wreaks havoc. It definitely can cause more damage than 5 Ants can (2 teleporters cost as much as 5.33 Ants).
  18. CounterFact

    CounterFact Active Member

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    Astreus: medium orb speed multi trip orbital transport, slow descend, quite cheap
    Droppod: medium orb speed, single trip, fast descend, medium cost
    Unit cannon: fast orb speed, single trip, fast descend, no cost
    Dropship?: slow orb speed, multi trip, slow descend, high cost, multiple units

    Each one of these has a different purpose and a combination of all of these would look absolutely awesome in-game.

    Orbital Flack: shoots something that forms a cloud and destroys any incoming orbital transports in a certain radius

    Transporters just are too cheap, you can make put an entire 1000 unit army on a planet in a blink of an eye. And you can't do a thing. Maybe let the units line up instead of just flood through like they're some sort of liquid.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  19. monkeyulize

    monkeyulize Active Member

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    I know, I was referring to damnhippie.
  20. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Switch the cost of the Astraeus and drop pod.

    Since the drop pod is a 1 way trip, it should be very cheap and since the Astraeus is a multi trip unit it should cost more.

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