Sudden Death System

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thetrophysystem, August 16, 2014.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    EDIT: Just uploaded: Ticking Bomb System.

    2 spawn planets, 5 minute collision, rush to get off planet, an orbital launcher snipe would probably be game over.

    2 outer planets, 15 minute collision, WITH A TWIST! They are 1 engine launchable, if you can rush a halley you can use them to annihilate (I believe unless game won't let you?) even the safety planet.

    1 single safety planet, a burden to hold too early actually because it is a radius 200 lava planet with 60 water height so only 1/3 the surface area is actually useable, a pretty roundish island. Easy to defend, but I would imagine easier to assault with a well-funded orbital invasion.

    Let me know what you think.

    I had a great idea on a system for a 4 team or 10 person ffa.

    There are 2 start planets close to the sun, side by side. They are on the same orbit and opposite directions. They collide early in the game. They can completely destroy the whole of each other so you have to get off planet or you lose.

    You have 6 other planets. One pair of large ones side by side but can't be started on, they collide slightly later in the game. One pair of small ones that collide much later in the game, and I guess a single planet remaining farthest from the sun is the only safe one but is tiny.

    So, it is like king of the hill. First one to colonize the distant planet has best advantage, but other planets have better eco for temporary usage to invade last planet. Last one holding the last planet basically wins.

    What you think? To make orbital travel easier, I might make the planets orbitals of each other around a larger planet to save orbital travel time.
    Last edited: August 16, 2014
    Remy561 likes this.
  2. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Sounds amazing.....:D

    I'm just worried that the eco on the last planet will be large enough that everyone will go there first, instead of the other ones.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Shoot, had the same worry second after publishing it, edited op btw.

    I could turn the eco down, just need to republish :( If I republish with same name it will override or do I need manually delete it?

    Ideally it needs at least 1 mex so it isn't ecoless in case of stalemate on planet, but it needs less than 6. Do you think it will have too many, even on a radius 200 planet with 30% land 70% lava?
  4. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    That's a commbox planet. Wtf lol. Make it larger, or the final battle won't ever happen. I'd say at least 300 rad, with maybe 15-20 mex scattered across the surface - so you bring with you what you need from the other planets, but it isn't immediately overwhelming to another player or two.

    When I say it won't ever happen, I mean that there is so little landmass that it's cake to fortify it from invasion. Then you'd have this one player or team with a massive base on the last planet, and the other team in full panic mode after losing the last two, because they have nowhere to go.

    I think you'd have to delete it. :)
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    1: Link where to go to delete it, and I will republish ticking bomb and naval annihilation.

    2) I will set lava planet to a 250, and turn lava off and instead of limiting land area I will limit and only limit metal down to density of 2 and scarcity of 5.

    PS: I still don't think the last planet is that bad, a combox planet is fine, you can land orbitally and attack from orbit, but I am inclined to believe I went extreme in time limit so I want to lighten up on that.
  6. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    1.No idea lol. Ask the Captain.
    2. Your call, but the compromise is certainly better than it was before.
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    If it's too big, there is no challenge to get on it to begin with. Why not go from 1st planet to last planet in 1 hop and just hang onto what you have.

    Actually, if the metal is THAT low, the land area doesn't matter too much does it? I will consider it, it is hard to generate too much land area...
    mered4 likes this.

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