Omg im makeing something super cool! Spent like the whole day on this one vid about explaining how to play this game, but its not like, do this do that, bla bla bla. Its just super brutal and it has death metal in it, omg im going to sleep but im gona release it tomorrow, omg its soo cool! The time has finaly come, where satan meets the angels of death and destruction. I just hope they dont put some copyright crap on the song. Omg bet i cant even sleep now. Omg omg omg
Yeah im kinda not releaseing it today, figured i might aswell do it full hearted rather then like working on it one day, maybe tomorrow or the day after or the next one, i kinda had to baby sit today, more like fantasy trip today if you know what i mean, why that ,why this, how come this, hehe. If anyone was wondering where this masterpiece is. But i promis it will be ******* ownage, and awesome. Just found out that it was super crap but its gona be so cool that you cant even imagine how cool, now thats cool!