Hi, I installed the latest PA Launcher on Windows 8.1 and the application does nothing when it starts up. There is an icon in the taskbar and the process is using CPU, but there is no window visible. Does anyone know what might be going on? I've attached my DxDiag output Thanks for the help!
Download this package: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 Then run it, extract to accessible directory, open this directory, find and run "DXSETUP.exe" installer. After installation finished try to run launcher once again.
Any other pros by installing this, compared to setting / enforcing "Compatibility mode" to Windows 7 (under which I currently run) for the launcher ? I remember avoiding the issue with latter solution.
No idea, but any "compatibility mode" its always bad thing from my point of view because you can forgot to do that in future. Problem is caused by fact that Windows 8/8.1 don't have latest version of DirectX 9 redist installed.