My Hardliner Suggestion

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by vaidoras, August 12, 2014.


Microing Fabricators adds fun to matches

  1. Yes

  2. No

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. vaidoras

    vaidoras New Member

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    Hey guys good discussion, seems like most people are comfortable enough with current building system to not want to change too much. Still, if my idea is not sticking, I would like to see more automation to fabricators... couple people gave good suggestions already.

    On the second note what are you people talking about misleading poll?! its one clear question... do you think microing fabricators adds fun to matches. I am not asking if you like my idea, I am not asking if you like me or anything besides the microing of fabricators in the game lol. If people like microing them then this thread is mute, if they do not then my or some other similar idea should be taken seriously....
    I suppose I am not seeing something other people are or you the people are reading more into it than you should. Regardless, I cant change it now.
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    I'm not convinced. It might not be in the menu, but it might still be there.

    Worst case scenario: Well there's a mod for that.
  3. ef32

    ef32 Well-Known Member

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    If it's not in the menu, how am I supposed to bind it?

    I am talking about vanilla, there is probably a mod for everything, I know.

    Uber will add it eventually, I'll just wait :)
  4. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    It's already bound, it's just not listed. Assuming it exists. GET OVER HERE BRIAN! I KNOW YOU KNOW!
  5. BradNicholson

    BradNicholson Uber Employee Uber Alumni

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    This sounds like a killer idea for a mod. Ultimate Macro Mod!

    community pls
  6. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    I voted both "Yes" and "No", because I could. :rolleyes:
    corteks likes this.
  7. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    I think the idea of this thread would change the game too much. But someone proposed something that I think is worth discussing.

    This would be great. Not as the default setup but just as an option. So competitive players still would be able to control every unit if they want to. And players that struggle with the learning curve of this game could just enjoy less micro while being able to command fabbers and override the autosystem when they want to do so. Now there are some problems with placing buildings and then having fabbers build them:

    1) How do fabbers prioritize? Will they always build the building you placed first? What if this building is far away and you decided that you need a building in you base asap?
    2) How many fabbers will go there to build something? This could be preset, like 1 fabber for mexes, up to 5 for factories, etc... with menu options for the numbers. If you don't have enough, the game tries to have at least one fabber at each building.
    3) What if there are no idle fabbers? Will the game send fabbers to my blueprint later?

    I guess it is not easy to implement but I think it would help new players or players that just want to play Skirmish/single player to get a better experience. It won't affect competitive play because the manual control would still be superior.
    corteks likes this.
  8. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    AHA! There's a binding for selecting all fabbers, which is F, but no binding for idle fabbers. However there is a binding for selecting all idle factories which is shift+F2.
  9. bluestrike01

    bluestrike01 Active Member

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    Sounds cool, but fabricators may be doing stuff you do not want them to do:
    - Assisting buildings that are a lower priority for you.
    - Move towards the enemy.
    - Lag resources when youre low on income slowing everything down. I supose a toggle option would solve this part.
  10. someonewhoisnobody

    someonewhoisnobody Well-Known Member

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  11. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Guys! He encouraged us! *celebrate*
    Guys! He repeated his confusing and misleading poll question! It makes sense now!

    Also, the game you describe is a different sort of RTS than PA. Sorry. :(

    Yeah. Sure. Let me just go tell BurntCustard he can build turrets anywhere and he'll be all like I won't do that outside my enemies base I PROMISE.

    Dream on.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    In CNC you can only build near your own buildings.

    So unless he intends to base creep or use some kind of mcv.....then you are going to get turret pushed.
    mered4 likes this.
  13. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    They would only automatically go find something to do if your economy is in surplus, like, blue surplus, and would pause themselves when you go negative?

    That might be hard to do, since sometimes you want them to keep going despite being in the red

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