Can my computer run PA?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Bacon004, August 9, 2014.

  1. Bacon004

    Bacon004 New Member

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    I have been looking at this game and I have been considering buying it, but I want to make sure my computer can run it. I don't mind playing on the lowest settings as this isn't an amazing computer so I usually have to play games on the lowest setting anyways.

    System Specs-
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3120M SPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz
    RAM: 4.00 GB (3.89 GB useable)
    System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
  2. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    4GB of RAM is enough for a system with one small planet, but if you want to play on more planets, you will want to upgrade the RAM to at least 8GB. Also, I need to know what your graphics card is.

    In other words, a Dxdiag would be helpful to know your entire system specs.
    SXX likes this.
  3. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    As @kjotak109 stated main problem would be RAM limit. On your laptop problem will be even worse because in good situation 1.6GB RAM would be used as video memory for integrated graphics and as result even less RAM would remain for game and UI which going to cause serious performance issues.

    PS: I personally run PA on laptop with slower integrated graphics and 4GB and now it's somehow playable on very small planets, but clearly not enough for any proper MP games.
    kjotak109 likes this.
  4. Bacon004

    Bacon004 New Member

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    I believe I have an Intel 4000 Integrated Graphics Card. Also, how would one go about upgrading RAM? Does it require me to pay money or hack into my computer or something? Or do you simply mean buy a better computer?
  5. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Obviously you'll have to buy more RAM. Usually you can just buy any SODIMM stick for 4-8GB and it's would work, but some laptops have specific so you'd better to ask someone skilled to help you with choosing RAM stick.

    Also on most laptops RAM slots are easily available and can be accessed after removing screw or two.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    If you could give me make and model of laptop I could have a look. Crucial memory do a good section on certified memory modules for laptops. The other thing to consider is you'll need to find out the instructions for fitting the ram. It shouldn't be that difficult but different laptops fit it in different places which can be tricky (I'm assuming it's a laptop and not an All In One desktop?). The instructions are usually available on the manufacturers website (depending on who it is).

    Usually, all that is requires is to unscrew a panel on the rear to give you access to the memory slots, and then clip the module into place (or unclip an old one if they are already used). On other models, they sometimes place the second ram slot *under the keyboard* which will require removing some screws on the back, then releasing a number of clips with a small flat screwdriver to allow you to lift the keyboard out. It does very much depend on who made the machine though.
  7. Bacon004

    Bacon004 New Member

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    For all you people saying that not having enough RAM would be the problem, what would adding more RAM do for my computer anyways?
    Last edited: August 12, 2014
  8. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    In general, adding more RAM would allow you to run more applications and tasks at once. Also, you will have more memory to run RAM-intensive applications, such as Photoshop, all video games, and video/audio editing software.

    But in the case of PA, more RAM would mean that you would be much less likely to hit the memory limit. Hitting the memory limit means that the game has to use a page file to help with loading, and this will lead to crashes and/or bad performance.

    To sum it up, if you get more RAM, you will take less time to load the game and spend more time enjoying the action.
  9. Bacon004

    Bacon004 New Member

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    Thanks for the info. I think this would also help some of my other games that use up a lot of RAM, but I am reluctant to spend the $30 or whatever the cost is to buy more RAM. Maybe in the future when I have more money I will.
    kjotak109 likes this.
  10. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Quite realistically, our game uses a lot of RAM. Generating planets procedurally uses up a lot of memory. Once the local server releases, even more so.

    The direct PA impact? You'll be able to run bigger maps with more planets is the main advantage.

    4GB on a 64bit windows install is enough for now, but our recommended is certainly 8, as it makes a big difference.
    FSN1977, lokiCML and kjotak109 like this.
  11. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Think of a table; this table is large you have 20 things at once on it. You're working with them those things. Now shrink the table by half. You are no longer capable of working with all of them at once. So you have to wait until you have the space to work with the 10 things that got removed from the table when it was cut in half.;)
    kjotak109 likes this.
  12. Bacon004

    Bacon004 New Member

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    So in other words I'll still be able to play, but having more RAM will increase my computer performance. Just curious, with you being an employee and all what frame rate do you think I would get in a, let's say, 4 player FFA with 2 planets and 3 smashable planets? If it's 20+ I'll be content.
    kjotak109 likes this.
  13. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    As your machine doesn't have dedicated graphics, more RAM is even more important. PA needs 4gb or ram, however your machine will be stealing at least 1gb for video memory. Someone else here was having real problems getting PA to even load with a similar set up. Upping his memory to 8gb made it work much much better (as that will be say 6gb for game, 2gb for video).

    Edit: Link to other thread:
    kjotak109 and lokiCML like this.

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