Can you guys give a little news/hint on what you are working on next over the next month or two? Units, weather particles/effects (would be cool to see like volcano smoke etc) or just and all round more spit & polish. Game is looking good so far!
can you guys please change your mind about the virtually indistinguishable day and night and make nights actually dark so we can have an actual reason for headlights and spotlights on structures? #bringbackdarkernights
The problem is you end up not being able to see anything at all, lights or no lights. Try flying on the night side of a planet in KSP.
Supposedly it's all hands on deck for Custom Commanders, especially as they seem to really be ramping up for a release by the end of the year at the latest but they haven't even added any commanders to the Armory since the initial 6 for whatever reason. Mike
dude that is so not true. I have and I know what you mean but this doesn't apply, ground level you would have HDR kick in and the "pupil" "adapt", zoomed out you'd have headlights + icons. I'm not talking about intelHD bug pure as-is. I'm talking about lighting version that was had when HDR and bloom were first introduced (it didn't last long so not many people got to discover it) hopefully someone can come here and post a video showing how it was.
sorry still looking for good vid. Zaphod never got to see what HDR looked like on his computer, HDR only showed correctly on certain graphics.
There already is a dark night mod, and I'm pretty sure you can mess with the HDR values in the json files.
i've done this, I haven't obtained the same result. it's really sub par. you don't have the whole adaptation thing which is what made it amazing. a planet looked really dark on night side, then you zoom in to the surface and it gets clearer to augment the contrast. It looked really good.
Ya I remember it, though HDR made it painfully bright for me on the daylight side so I never really used it. Now the difference between hdr and ldr is pretty minimal.
I would guess that they probably tried a few light/dark comparisons. Too much of change especially given the rapid change in the day/night cycle could really detract from the gameplay in my opinion. Some change is fine but I think that a significant day/night cycle could get annoying over time even though at first it would be rather cool with unit spotlights etc.