Hello, I am playing galactic war on hardest difficulty. My commander is the BACON and my only tech is a complete bot tech (with bot walking speed increase). I'm struggling to win on a single planet with two AI against me. Any tips?
Dox Spam, supported by a little bit of Artillery, of course! Set them to scout on the whole starting planet. If they meet the commander, send all to annihilate him! It´s the only "anti-all"-unit in the game and well---as long as your economy is good enough, you can have massive output of them!
You only need about one energy plant for each bot factory, so as long as you don't have too many fabbers building metal you can pretty much just have the commander alternately make energy and factories forever (assuming you can supply them with enough metal).
As of a few patches ago, my strategy was to get about 3 factories (plus a few fabbers building more) going (about the time I found an opponent) producing grenadiers rallied to the commander, who marched on the nearest foe to knock one of them out before he got too built up. Dox are probably better at the moment, but I haven't tried this specific strategy. And this was without BACON or commander's anti-air.