I'm going to seriously cry..

Discussion in 'Support!' started by rimizak, August 10, 2014.

  1. Xagar

    Xagar Active Member

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    From personal experience, doubling my RAM to 8 gigs changed 5-minute loads to 45-second loads.
    cdrkf likes this.
  2. rimizak

    rimizak Member

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    Wait so I have to get the EXACT same chip like same manufacturer and all? I thought it only had to be compatible (PC3-12800)
  3. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    probably just the same size and speed, could be wrong about that though
  4. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    It needs to be same speed including timings (so you often see memory listed as cl9, cl10 etc). The easiest way is to buy the same make and model.

    Btw, if you get a module that isn't a match it should still work, but potentially only in single channel mode (so no speed bump for graphics)...
  5. rimizak

    rimizak Member

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    So ive figured out my RAM type is PC3-12800 DDR3. So anything that is...that...will work right? And if so will that make it go into this "dual channel mode" or whatever it is?
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    It also needs the same cl timings for dual channel mode. Eg if your current module is 'pc3-12800 cl10' that's what you need (easy way to check, take cover off and have a look at the module!)...
  7. rimizak

    rimizak Member

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    So it'll say CL-something? because I have a picture of my RAM chip from earlier when I did bust it open
    EDIT: Using the magic of CPU-Z I got the number but it came up with 4 (?). Under JEDEC #4 column the CAS# latency is 8.0. But then theres 3 more Jedec columns (5, 6, and 7) and the latency raises one with every column (ex JEDEC 5 column says 9, JEDEC 6 says 10, etc)
    Last edited: August 11, 2014
  8. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    If you could post that photo that would help. The cas latency for DDR 3 ram is going to be 8 or higher (it's definitely not 4!). If you give me make and model of your laptop I can probably look up what it's supposed to be although they do sometimes change supplier. The current memory module should have a label on it so easiest option might be to get the same. I'm at work at the moment (on lunch just now) however I'll be happy to help you later this evening if you can give me a bit more detail.

    Please note if you can't find it getting a similar module should work, although what often happens is the modules may refuse to co-operate in dual channel mode. Single channel isn't a disaster as your main problem is PA not having enough memory, but dual channel should improve graphics performance nicely.

    As a side note, it might be nice to test the before / after performance. I'd recommend downloading the free 3D mark performance test. Run the test now, then run it again after you've added the additional memory. If everything is working properly you should see a boost in graphics speed.
  9. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    Might be a stupid idea, but did you tried to re-install and download the game ?

    A few months ago, i wasn't able to launch the game at all. Coherent UI crashes, laucher crashes, Main loading screen crashes... Even after checking all files of hte game (that was failing half of the time and needed to be runned again), drivers and such.

    So decided to do the good ol'Cleaning spree.
    I uninstalled the game completly, deleted all files and traces i could find of it on my computer (actual game files, user data...), runned a register cleaning tool (i use cCleaner, free, do it's job, but some people might recommand something better).
    Reboot the PC, cCleaner again (nasty little dependancies), reboot PC.

    Then downlaoded the last installer from Uber Store, re-installed and downloaded the game properly and everything worked like wonder (and still working fine).

    I left the computer hardware hell a long time ago, but i from what i remember, a too poor graphic card/cpu/or ram amount was very rarely causing that kind of troubles. The games were unplayable, laggy as hell, even crashed from time to time in some specific sections, but not every single time during loading.
    And side note, my system specs are lower than yours, and the game load fine, so don't run investing just now if you didn't tried the basics !
  10. rimizak

    rimizak Member

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    Here I took this picture when I opened up my computer. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the back of the stick but here's the front haha

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  11. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Ok, so I can see that's cl11 ram :)

    Also had a look, you can get the exact module by searching Google shopping for the model number that's on the label: HMT351S6CFR8C-PB

    Getting the same module would be the most hassle free option.
    Shwyx, kjotak109 and Imsvale like this.
  12. rimizak

    rimizak Member

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    PSHHH not a memory problem at all clearly...

    Now it actually did get worse than that but it was taxing my computer so bad I couldn't take a screenshot, literally I tried numerous times.

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  13. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    that brutal slowness you were experiencing is known as thrashing, it occurs when your computer takes something from your RAM and swaps it into your hard drive because your memory is running out. However your hard drive is MUCH slower than main memory, and if a program that demands a resource that was just swapped out, it must swap right back in. This forms a vicious cycle that will cripple your computer.

    adding more RAM would definitely help with that.
    cdrkf likes this.
  14. rimizak

    rimizak Member

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    Well, I guess I'll be buying my same chip offline later today, ps, thanks to cdrkf for actually typing out that long-as-hell code for me to find more of my same chip. also real quick should 8 gigs of RAM in total cover me?
  15. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    I got 8 gigs, works like a charm.

    You should be able to run just about any sane system on it anyway.
  16. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    other than the issues that have been mentioned here. You should also update Windows 8 to 8.1 because AMD is dropping support for windows 8. Here is the release notes for Catalyst 14.7 RC it states:
    Here is a Microsoft article on how to do that. It's free.

    Edit: for some reason all the font magically increased its size.:confused:
    Last edited: August 11, 2014
  17. rimizak

    rimizak Member

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    NO I THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD NEVER COME...I always get "upgrade to windows 8.1 for free!" windows pop ups (dont worry they're ACTUAL windows pop ups not viruses) but I always denied because I've heard it messes with some games
    EDIT: Also can someone just quickly explain to me what exactly the whole "dual mode" thing is with the RAM? I didn't quite understand it the first time
  18. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Well personally I won't use Windows 8 or higher until they bring back the desktop interface instead of a tablet or 10 foot interface. Part of my stance on Windows 8 is accessibility issues with it. On the AMD driver front you can wait until they update the window 7 version so it can be installed in Windows 8 but you will have to deal with performance issues from PA until that occurs.;) So yeah.

    P.S. Don't cry it will be okay.;)
  19. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Dual Channel. Dual channel mode is when you have to sticks of the same RAM. If you have one stick of RAM, and you perform (x) fast, if you add in a second and it uses dual channel, you'll get 2(x) speed rather than just I(x). This occurs because you are interfacing on two different ports, doubling the potential throughput of the system. It's like comparing a one lane highway to a two way highway. It doubles the potential amount of data (cars in the example) that can pass through.

    Does that explain it a bit better?
  20. rimizak

    rimizak Member

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    ahhh alright thank you.

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