Thank you Uber for the new metal planet crater brush(es). From the bottom of my heart. It just makes my heart swell with good feelings ...I can't get enough of it. To the point I want more bushes ...I think it's like a drug. Do you guys think there's a clinic for crater-brush addiction? ..ERM .... what I was saying is : "Is there any chance Lava planets (and why not water planets) will get their own crater brush as well?" for lava, I think colouring it orange is the cheap and lazy solution that takes no time but makes everyone happy. (If lava was liquid it could seep in but that's for another thread) I don't think if a planet's surface is visibly lava, that any crust exists underneath. thereby a hole in it should reveal more lava. For the water planet, this one is a little bit tricky, since water should flow back in and the crater wouldn't be visible. A possible solution i see is for the water level to decrease with each hit (maybe with a visible orbiting ring of ice crystals that form from water being propulsed out into space then freezing). as such land would eventually become visible. I think there were a couple threads already that talked about the different progression of planets between biome type as they get smashed. laval, of course being the final state.
we just need more variety in the terrain, to make each planet more unique, because right now it feels like each planet feels the same, no uniqueness to any planet at all Also the ability to save a planet that you liked after any game would be an excellent feature
Not even kind of related to the OP. Don't derail this awesomeness. I agree, the new metal crater looks great and if they can get the lava one in I'd be very happy
wait so smashing into a metal planet now produces the damaged metal planet brush? I haven't had a chance to try it yet...
That's a biome thing, not a smash thing. The crater brush would probably work on other biome types for the same devastated biome effect. Incidental smash:
wow this is amazing,atlest now i know what brad has been working on for so long, (kidding brad, ever teammember is equal important, and this is a super secret bobble. and brad is prolly the best player in the game atm) why cant they just say like, something like, yes yes, I did that, me, I did that. i have actually never seen that one, its super smooth, makes me think ,i shold play more. and prolly will after fineshing writing this, but i mean waoow. is it beautiful too look at? when you smashe a planet with someone on it? sure is beautiful to look at. anyway like how would you imagien they do that? i mean im not really good with letters and seeing the picture. Like "planet SMAAAASHE incomeing, Lave EVERYWHERE, the core dripping with blood, (lava blood) I mean JESUS just look at that huuh, its beautiful, makes me wonder does it look beautiful too look at when u smash a planet like that? Water could maybe look something like this, § doom dum § dum deliumdeum SMAAASH POOOF, WATER EVERYWHERE and maybe abit blood. Dont really know if i added anything useful by adding this, atlest im on topic.
Lava has to improve, not just visually. but you should not be able to drive or build on lava. The idea here is to make each planet feel different and more unique. Atm it doesnt even look like lava, it looks like spray paint