Pathing errors, long term stability issues

Discussion in 'Support!' started by lindved, August 9, 2014.

  1. lindved

    lindved New Member

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    I would first like to say that I have actually enjoyed playing PA sofar, even with the bugs I have encountered.

    I apologize if they are already listed (or if I hit the wrong forum) but this seemed the best place to report them.

    First, I get a lot of stuck units that cant path past obstacles or angled walls
    Sometimes I can grab the unit, and move it backwards and out, other times they are just truely stuck-
    A variation was one game, where there was an invisible line across the planet. Any units that tried to move past it, got irreversible stuck, and could not be freed in any way - even my commander got stuck :-(. It is in the middle of free terrains, no hills or anything.

    Second, after queuing a lot of structures with a builder, quite often units dont move out of the way. I like to send a little guard with my builders - but at times they wont move out of the way to let the builder do what he needs to do - Other times its unrelated units or a few times even the builder itself blocking the spot.

    I had a large game running (a faction leader), and had to go to bed, so I paused the game. Next morning my laptop had bluescreened, and when I got back into the game, my war was gone and all that progress, That kinda sucked :)
    (At best as I can tell it was between -18 hours to - 10 hours from this post)

    If possible, being able to do a save on a single player game would be a really helpfull addition, as sometimes Work and reallife calls.

    On large games my performance have not been that great, mostly like a frame by frame playback of a video.

    Thank you for the nice game sofar, cant wait to see the endresult :)
  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    There is a new build due in a matter of hours that should sort most of the pathing probs :) if you want to try it now, you can get to it thorough uber launcher by turning pte mode on in the options and then selecting the pte (test) version before launching the game (will download a load of stuff first time you use it).
  3. lindved

    lindved New Member

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    I am looking forward to that! Will try it as soon as I can finish up Work!
    Another thing I have noticed, are the 'range circles' when setting up new turrets, sattelites etc. They seem to dissapear at times. I am not 100% sure, but I think it is when I working on a planet I did not start on. Or is it a Graphics/UI setting I have set wrong?
  4. lindved

    lindved New Member

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    Pathing surely is much better now! They still make a funny little circledance at times while moving on a path, especially the fast recon units.
    cdrkf likes this.
  5. lindved

    lindved New Member

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    Ok, still found some pathing issues:
    If you have a long straight wall, have a group on one side of it, add a fabricator on the other side, and let the group move a little or add some buildings to build on the other side of the fabricator, it seems to get stuck on the wall most of the time. it will try to move to the edge, but at some point it will hang itself and not really wanna move on.
    Also, building a long straight wall running through a crater, seems to allow for some small spaces between the wall segments, where a builder can be built into and utterly stuck.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Yeah @sorian has been working on sorting the pathing out. This patch fixes the *main* problem with the pathing (units getting stuck in terrain) however there is still an issue with units being pushed into places they shouldn't and getting stuck (walls are part of the problem) so it doesn't surprise me that you've found these issues.

    Having said that you can bet there will be more updates next week with further improvements (Sorian knows about the bugs, so they are being worked on). For the time being though the game is *much more playable* :D
  7. greywolf82

    greywolf82 New Member

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    Hi Guys,

    Love playing PA and grateful to the team fixing all of the bugs. Pathing is one of those things that can really frustrate players, so thanks for all the focus on this.

    I notice that when putting one builder in charge and having several other builders follow him, the other builders get in the leader's way when building groups of buildings. For example, if I build 4 advanced power plants in a square and the first three plants are built, the leader will decide that the best path to the last plant location is between the plants and through where the other builders are at. They are pushing towards the leader and the leader is trying to push through the followers. This results in none of the builders going anywhere and the buildings don't get built. Is there a way for the leader to tell the followers to get out of his way or to recognize the path chosen is blocked by other units and pick a path that goes around them instead?

    Thanks again for the great game and keep working on the little things. They really make all the difference.

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