Hello I know Uber hadn't intended for this but some of the lore of TA, Supcom, and PA, can be sorta' pieced together. (And it's fun to act like they're secretly all within the same universe) Supcom is the beginning of this long story of Annihilation, with the creation of the symbionts. These was a human mind merged with an ai. Fighting back from the oppression of the humans who wanted to eradicate them. Now then, flash to the future.. Total annihilation, the symbionts have gone one step further merging completely with the machine. They are the core, the humans remain resilient continuing to attempt to fight the Core's domination, and taking up arms against them once more. Now PA is even further into the future, humans began to create Commanders controlled completely by an ai rather than put themselves at stake- The highest of Commanders still remain human, the progenitors. The progenitors, along with their advanced ai commanders below their ranks continue their massive battle against the now long gone Core. Even with the disappearance of the humans, the rival factions continue to war, for the principle of it at least. (There could be endless plot holes in this kind of idea, but oh is it so much fun to think too much into this stuff.)
Oh, man, the TA lore was one of the best parts of the game for me. I'd put PA before the events of TA, as both sides in TA had only one Commander left. PA plays like TA would have if it was set at the peak of the war .
Doesn't fit with the TA lore though; in TA, it was the governments that mandated the "CORE"ifying of people (patterning) into machines, and then the ARM came about as an opposing force by people who didn't want to. Also, canonically, the ARM win
never played sup com, only TA, but although the ARM did win, in the expansion of the came (CORE contingency?) the core comes back from that loss by destroying everything exempt for one comm. also, what about the 100 years war in PA? possibly more likely that the denizens of PA were the COREs ancestors?
The Unicron system is an interesting part of lore ~ what the Unicron system does is emite constant Raimbown Radiation (not real life Sci-Fi radiation only) what the Raimbown radiation does to passing war ships is it infects the systems with the power of vole, what vole does is make the occupants be drawn the to the Unicron system Where they will forever wish to protect the occupents...the Unicrons....who are very horny