Since we soon are going to get gas giants, that i´ve after reading the posts on this forum assume will to be both beatiful and large resources of metal, i also want to see you units to be able to orbit the suns. Why? Well, i think that by sending solar panels to the sun, they should be much more effective than in orbit around planets. Also if this happens, decrease the current effectivity of them when they are around planets, to make the sun a desirable place for setting up large fields of solar panels, which you would have to watch carefully cause there wont be umbrellas to watch em. EDIT: Grammar
this has been suggested two times already can't find the other one. anyways, when coming up with an idea, search it first, then necro the thread if the exact idea has already been suggested in an OP.
there's already a button for selecting the sun. though it zooms out to the system by default. destroying them is not an obligation.
When i say orbit i mean a orbit as your orbital units are in, the orbital layer? where you have all of your orbital units? You can use avengers to attack things that are in orbit. EDIT: To specify, this layer
No, he means making the sun a planet with an orbital shell. That way, you couldn't land on it, but could nuke it to target orbitals, and could maintain an orbital armada on it, similar to gas giants, orbital only. If a sun had 2 different planets orbiting it, it would be like a gas giant with 2 different moons orbiting. If the sun had an orbital shell.