so I just started up PA after a long time(couple months) and all planets have a completly black texture and the radiuses of structures are not shown well, for example when selecting where to build a defense tower, the attack radius can only been seen on props, like rocks or trees. just figured i should mention it and hopefully it can be fixed quickly. I have restarted the game a couple times, and I have not had this problem before. images, that make it more clear what I'm talking about, can be found here: http:// img1. to show the lack of a texture img2 & 3. radius not shown on planet surface, when build or not
Hello, Please post a Dxdiag on the forums. Being able to know your system specs would be very helpful. P.S. This thread would best belong in the Support Forum.
Looks like a Graphical Issue, update your graphics card drivers, lower some settings like bloom/hdr/ load some settings on medium, turn AA off just try a few things first see if anything fixes it but as kjotak mentioned, you need post your DxDiag so we can make a proper diagnosis on it... if you do a search on the forums this has come up many times and normally always due to out-dated drivers.