Would it be possible to basically create a two-monitor setup with a Rift? So you can turn your head and see another screen? Would be great for people who don't have a lot of desk space or just don't want another monitor.
Multi monitor is not supported yet. In fact i don't even think SLI or Crossfire is supported, if so, not well. That would be a pretty convenient feature
If we do get support what would go onto the second screen, (not to sidetrack the original intent of the post) think about it, what would we use the other screen for?
Silly confused Geers, always thinking to far ahead of his time, doomed to miss out on the glory he deserves...
What about slightly altering the mirrored pip feature to have one eye slightly offset from the other? You could get it looking fully 3d like that if you don't mind the perf drop.
You think so small. At one point we had multi screen and still the traditional pip. Pips everywhere! The mod failed because nobody had a super computer and there were some nasty pip bugs at the time. A lot has changed since then.
I've seen videos of people playing games using the Oculus Rift, but i don't think its a nice idea to use the Oculus Rift to play a strategy game.
that's 2D PA not 3D PA. Two different viewpoints IN PA rather than ON PA would be better, don't you think?
personaly, i think the best use of a rift would be the ability to take a units viewpoint i n replays, allowing us to see the true size of the commanders from the viewpoint of a tiny dox. of course, to do that only for the rift would be a lot of wasted effort...