Those who played SupCom will be familiar with this as an alternative to reclaiming; if you built a structure on an identical wreck, it would incorporate that wreck so that your construction was part-way complete. This was very useful when rebuilding bases, and made bouncing back mid-late game easier. It also made us more likely to defend areas even after losing critical structures, because we could attempt to rebuild them quickly. I'm going to take a guess and say the reason it hasn't been implemented in PA is that it'd be harder to do on a sphere than a grid because the structures need to line up. Nonetheless, it was a cool feature. What do the community think? Something you will/would miss? Or this :
Yes, I want this feature back! It's worth including in the game because this is critical to long-term defense and rebuilding overall.
Why not have a resurrection mechanic like in TA? It is much easier/better to have combat fabricators that bring units back to life. You need a lot less micro to do it. You don't have to manually rebuild, all you do is click on a target or use an area command to resurrect everything. I never really liked how it was in SupCom. It was a fairly well hidden mechanic and it didn't make a whole lot of sense. It felt like a step the wrong direction from how TA did it.
I don't see why, you'd just be matching the Wreck's Orientation. It's the same way that Wrecks match the same orientation of the building that was just destroyed I'd imagine. Mike
It'd lock the current wreckage system in, which I hope they don't do. I'd much rather an arbitrary "wreckage_feature=<bp.json>" attribute (for both units and features), even though this would make building over the top harder.
I very much support this idea. I really don't like how difficult it is to recover from losses in vanilla. And as I keep on saying, being able to recover is very important for enjoyable gameplay. Being able to rebuild wrecks would go a long way.
Yeah, that's pretty cool. Necroing units would also be a buff for using and winning fights with lower level units, wouldn't it? I remember Uber talking about the chance of remaining wrecks depending on the weapon they've been destroyed with. Meaning low dmg weapons will leave more stuff to reclaim. Ofc only if you win the fight.
I'd love a nuke that'd rez wreckage. As creative as the traditional ones are destructive. No lols, I'm serious. Just like your other nukes, you can send it across space and have a nice green wave of everything back at half health. Now all we need is more combat repair bots
In spring (ba mod) they made the resurrection bots t1... Its a fantastic option that makes bots more viable against vehicles. It's not that reasurection was more efficient than reclaiming and making new units, but that the units are created on the front line where needed most that is so effective. I'd love to see res bots in pa