Kickstarter Vs Reality (minor thing. Hope not)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by pjrm1470, August 7, 2014.

  1. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Speaking of unrealistic expectations. :p
    DeadStretch, websterx01 and stuart98 like this.
  2. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    Well, they did make a decent start at it in the PTE.
  3. epicblaster117

    epicblaster117 Active Member

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    They made Dox amphibious....enough said.
  4. bluestrike01

    bluestrike01 Active Member

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    When one promisses things before delivering, chances are sertain promisses can not be made, no matter the goodwill intention.

    To translate that to game development, some cool idea's may not work out either because of technical issues, balance issues or gameplay issues.

    On to my personal opinion:
    - From a gameplay point of view I can't see what the game would bennefit from astroid belts.
    Unless you like chasing players for hours, weeding out an asteroid belt and call that fun ...

    - Same for the unit cannon, its something that besides sounding cool only creates imbalance.
    (Shoot a bunch of units next to the enemy commander) What kind of counter would work against a unit canon.

    - Galactic war, I tought it was going to be something like Total Annihilation Boneyards Galactic War
    Never watched the video's, I made that assumption based on them being ex- TA devs and it having the same name.
    For people not familiar with it, TA's Galactic War was a multiplayer where you battled for your race (arm/core) to control planets in a persistent galaxy.

    Planet smashing between star systems in PA's GW also sounds like balance issues to me (especially with asteroid belts :p) and posible technical limitations and system requirements.
  5. Shwyx

    Shwyx Well-Known Member

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    The idea behind both the asteroid belts and the Unit Cannon is to break late-game stalemates. Or at least that's the most common interpretation of their use in the community right now.

    Late-game currently equals planetary turtling. Everyone's hiding behind a wall of Avengers, Anchors, Umbrellas and Anti-Nukes. A T2 ground invasion via teleporter is nearly impossible, nuke carpet bombing takes a lot of time and resources and not all systems have a moon to smash into planets.

    Both asteroid attacks and the Unit Cannon could help in setting up beachheads and / or destroying vital structures - or outright assassinating the enemy commander.
    Last edited: August 9, 2014
  6. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    AstEroid. What do you have against the letter E brian?
  7. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Is this your 1 rts you ever play?
    PA havent improved the RTS games, actualy its the oposite version off real time rts off future rts games showld be..
    Its a decent game to new rts players ,but its not like FAF or the new Etherium.
    Its just decent with few units just to you have bit fun, naval dont work are there just because (dunno),the field gameplay got total lack off strategy like the usual rts ,you will see there arent any way you have a diferent tactic game after game.
    You just do this always power+mass spam factories go to enemy in direct line .
    You do some scout you now enemy base you start the simcity mod /nukes/orbital, there arent mush + to say....
    And Uber make some toys like commanders or same units in small size to you buy.
    And game over ....
    The good thing its that remind me when i play Littlebigplanet on my vita its almost the same ,i have make on editor mod 1 game on vita similar to PA got 320 downloads
    Last edited: August 9, 2014
  8. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Yeah. PA hasn't done anything new or innovative.

    Things like the ChronoCam, spherical maps, multiple battle fields, the ability to handle more units than SupCom ever dreamed of, PiP, extensive and powerful modding capabilities built in... Every other RTS game has that stuff, right? Super pathetic.


    Seriously. How do you think that PA hasn't improved RTS games and hasn't done things that no other RTS game has done?

    You then complain about features that aren't complete. Let me say that again – THEY AREN'T FINISHED. Wait until Uber finishes certain features until you consider them failures.

    Also, if you think the only way to play is to build a bunch of units and send them in a direct line... then you have no idea how to play PA. If anyone even slightly good plays against you you're going to have a real bad time. Sending units in a straight line is not the best way to play by far.

    If you always send your units at me from the same direction, I'll build defenses and destroy your armies with minimal losses, and then send my armies and raid the backside of your base and pound you into oblivion.

    If all you're going to do is whine and complain and provide no constructive feedback, then please, don't post. However, if you have ideas on how to improve the game and provide constructive criticism – then by all means, let's hear them.
    cdrkf, siefer101 and squishypon3 like this.
  9. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Reg galactic war, according to devs there are plans for 3 modes. What we have now is mode 1- single player.

    Mode 2 will allow teams to co-op in the current galactic war.

    Mode 3 will be 'multiplayer clan war' which will be like boneyards.

    The latter 2 will be added in future updates :)

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