More bug fixes, etc. Working on preliminary build notes for a potential stable build promotion. Will post em when I gots em.
[Unit] Dox: Sight radius: 50 -> 150 [Cleanup] Removal of many anim_trees (the existing ones without "_anim_tree" in their name) [Cleanup] Removal of unused strategic icons [UI] New game systems show number of players [Modding] Addition of API to system designer api.systemEditor.start api.systemEditor.beginControlCamera api.systemEditor.endControlCamera api.systemEditor.addPlanet(planetSpec) api.systemEditor.preloadPlanet(planetSpec) api.systemEditor.movePlanets(system) api.systemEditor.pause(paused) api.systemEditor.setTime(time) [GW] Card: Artillery Fabrication Tech: Cost reduction 50% -> 75% [GW] Card: Artillery Fabrication Tech: No longer includes Sheller, Grenadier or Gil-E [GW] Card: Super Weapon Fabrication Tech: Cost reduction 50% -> 75% [GW] Card: Super Weapon Fabrication Tech: Card likelihood increased by 400% [GW] Card: Artillery Ammunition Tech: Also reduces energy usage by 90% [GW] Card: Artillery Ammunition Tech: No longer includes Sheller, Grenadier [GW] Card: Complete Air Tech: Now includes Air Scout, Fighter, Bomber [GW] Card: Basic Air Tech: Now includes Air Scout, Fighter, Bomber [GW] Card: Advanced Air Tech: Now includes basic Air Factory, Fabrication Aircraft [GW] Card: Artillery Tech: No longer includes Sheller, Grenadier or Gil-E [GW] Card: Complete Bot Tech: Now includes Combat Fabrication Bot, Dox, Grenadier, Boom [GW] Card: Basic Bot Tech: Now includes Combat Fabrication Bot, Dox, Grenadier, Boom [GW] Card: Advanced Bot Tech: Now includes Basic Bot Factory, Fabrication Bot [GW] Card: Advanced Orbital Tech: No longer includes SXX [GW] Card: Basic Naval Tech: Card likelihood reduced to 0% [GW] Card: Super Weapon Tech: Card likelihood increased by 300% [GW] Card: Super Weapon Tech: No longer includes SXX [GW] Card: Advanced Vehicle Tech: Now includes basic Vehicle Factory [GW] Card: Improved Energy Weapons: Card likelihood reduced to 0% [GW] Minor changes to credits GW (new icons, colours). <localisation changes> <Some UI changes> TODO
You gets 'em! Could you prod Scathis or Meta or somebody about the Dox change to amphibious? I'm wondering how that fits in with the whole *dox as a raider* thing. I can test the balance without knowing, but I'd rather have context so I can frame my reasoning around that. Thanks.
I do. I'm wondering why it was necessary. Why not just adjust naval so they have their own unique raiding unit? Wouldn't having such a cheap naval unit invalidate navies in general? What was the goal here?
I think you're missing the point. If you can bypass an entire geographical blocker early game (big bodies of water), it's ideal for raiding, regardless of naval interaction. Bypassing terrain is a huge raiding advantage, wouldn't you say?
Yeah. Huge. Completely game Changing. Testing now. My first instinct is that Dox will be OP. But I haven't played it yet. I'll get back to ya in a few minutes.
Being asked a question, and then a snarky, smart *** reply when I explain how a change fits in with the role of a raider? Yah, I'm the one who needs to chill. Raiding is about mobility as much as anything. Don't know why I bother responding some times.
I replied to both statements Edit: He hasn't played yet, so you really have no reason to to get hoppin' mad. He's just going on assumptions.
What anim trees were deleted exactly? With regards to amphibious doxen; While it does make them better at raiding, it also makes naval even more useless than it already was. If you're going to make it useless, why even have it in the game? If you're going to have it in the game, why NOT make it useful? See also: Statera naval, which play-testers have been reporting that they like as much as Statera land.
I think forum posts seem to come across as negative when they possibly aren't meant that way. Also uber have had to deal with a lot of negative feedback recently which wares you down. Plus the push to release is probably hurting too. Anyway my take is the last couple of PTEs are really polishing the game well.
Lava planets are still not fixed I'll be patient since this is PTE but, I really really want my unpathable lava back...
Interesting. range > sight allows some nice interplay, but it's certainly useful for a raider to be able to find stuff to raid.