i remember the nuclear T2 submarine it looked so cool! why where submarines removed? all they needed is to dive under water and the T2 sub build nukes and finshed!
That's kinda the issue. As it turns out, making submarines go underwater on a sphere is slightly difficult. There also needs to be invisibility for them so only radar can detect subs. There are just issues with subs, unfortunately. I'd like to see them return some day too, but it's most definitely going to be post-1.0
why can't they put subs back as is for now? ya they do not work but there fun to have in a huge navy like glass cannons
There's more to it then just adding an underwater layer. A unit with the special feature of being underwater is dull when there's almost nothing unique to being underwater. For this subs to be worthwhile, you also want to think about sonar, anti-sub ship/aircraft, and probably rethink interaction between land and sea.
We could implement subs right now in every way except for them being underwater. Balance wise, they'd be identical to how they'd be if they could submerge. But we won't though because that's not at all WYSIWYG.
Nah, you could mod them to be under water, all you need to do is lower the submarine below it's base armature.
Actually it's not to big of a problem, as long as they aren't any lower than the bottom of a large ship's hull, it should be fine. Edit: basically there will be a point they can't go any further, they won't go through the ground, they'd bump into it, hitboxes are created by geometry and not by armatures, or set values.