Deployed by the game, not by my choice.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by killerfrog42, August 2, 2014.

  1. killerfrog42

    killerfrog42 New Member

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    Doing some galactic warfare, having a great time, winning all my battles and such. But, I go to use the bathroom while I was on the 'select deployment zone' screen and I was thinking 'okay, I can use the bathroom now,' but when I got back, the game had deployed me without me saying where I wanted to be deployed, thus my commander was destroyed and the war lost. I know it's is Gamma, but I lost my galactic war due to this bug, and I was winning, and lost due to a small bug. I'll restart it, but, I am a little peeved at this, not a lot, I love the game. But just a little notification for the next patch or update. Don't let the game deploy you its self, it's in Gamma, I know, but here ya' go. A bug report of sorts, unless you designed it this way, then maybe change it or some settings and what not, I don't know, you folks know what you're doing, you've made this awsome game.
  2. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Once you enter a game, either single or multiplayer, there is a 2 minute timer before you are auto deployed. Personally I think it should be three minutes, but that's just me.
  3. temeter

    temeter Well-Known Member

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    Even choosing pause doesn't work in that case, i think it's just a part from the mp-systems.

    I had some issues where the game took ages to load and i was deployed without time to choose, though.
  4. knub23

    knub23 Active Member

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    I think the game auto-deploys you after 2 minutes at spot number one. This is obviously needed in multiplayer to prevent people from taking too long to deploy. Maybe there will be coop or multiplayer galactic war in the future, so it is needed there too. I don't think it needs a change though the time is debatable because like temeter says the system auto-deploys you when you load too long.

    You have two options now which in my opinion are enough:
    - Start the game after your pause
    - Start the game, select your spot, land and then pause ingame
  5. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    For the time being, either do what Knub said or pee faster.
    spicyquesidilla likes this.
  6. killerfrog42

    killerfrog42 New Member

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    Alright then, not a bug. Maybe they should change it, but I restarted and got Basic Air Tech, I think the game was telling me something.....just saying. But yeah, BACK TO WAR!
  7. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    I'm almost certain this will be considered a 'bug'.

    You only need the 2 minute timer in multiplayer because of player griefing. It's most probably something that got overlooked due to having multiplayer functionality in the game before singleplayer.

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