So recently I've been checking out PA and have been interested, my friend who already owns the game said "Oh you don't need to buy it", confused I asked "What do you mean?" he had me download the client off their website and then he logged into his account on my computer while being on his. I find that the ability to do this is really ripping off the developers. I'm not a fan of DRM but when it's hurting new developers like this and scamming potentially hundreds or even thousands of dollars I feel like something should be said.
Are you some kind of paid pro-DRM shill? Or did you just want to create a thread for the heck of it? This kind of account "sharing" is possible even with entire Steam accounts. And it breaks down the moment both of you want to play at the same time.
As @Shwyx stated you can share accounts, but you can only play on one server with one account per time.
PA is excluded from Family Sharing for long time. There actually was some problems related to those limitations, but I find and reported them. But if you know any exploits you likely want to send PM to @garat.