Couple'o'bugs i found

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by masterevar, July 25, 2014.

  1. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    I was playing around with the system maker, creating a ''moonception'' map, where there was a moon, orbiting a moon, orbiting a moon, orbiting a moon, orbiting the sun. I thought; what if i sent in a moon that has a moon around it? So i did that. The moon around the smashing moon just dissapeared, and the orbit ring for the smashed planet that shows the orbit path got stuck. Then i saw that moon that was orbiting the smashing moon in the planet menu. I clicked over to it and zoomed out, it had appeared inside the sun, orbiting a ghost of the smashing moon, and i could travel to it. :)
    melhem19 and SolitaryCheese like this.
  2. ef32

    ef32 Well-Known Member

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    Yo dawg, we heard you like moons, so we added moon to your moon, so you can moo... wait, that won't sound right.
  3. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    kjotak109, vyolin and masterevar like this.
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I had to call the celestial bodies "Burda" "Jace" Guildo" and "Recoome" in order to figure out exactly what you meant, but yeah, I suppose it is a bug. Probably should adjust orbits in place around the larger body and the smaller body around it just lead the orbit around its follower or also get a new orbit around the larger body.
  5. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    Yeah it gets kinda confusing with moons around moon, and i like mostly the idea of the orbiting moon around a planet/moon that is about to smash into another planet/moon to start orbiting that one that you smashed it into.
  6. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Now you are just doing that on purpose...

    ...but I agree, the engine should make some effort into, even if it must judge by some outside formula where the new orbit would be and teleport it there, making a body that loses it's gravity well taking a new orbit closest to where it was, whether it be adrift as it's own planetoid or whether it start orbiting the target.

    Everyone likes more explosions so, it would be badass even if unbalanced if launching a parental orbiting body also caused collisions with every one of it's moons. Imagine having a planet with 5 moons launched at another planet, and all 5 moons also pummel that planet :D
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    well done sir! :)

    please keep breaking the game like this! this is very important at this stage!
  8. masterevar

    masterevar Active Member

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    It´s called ''Stretching the Limits''(By breaking every law in the known and unknown universe of reality and gaming)

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