It's not a tactical missile, it's just a re-purposed fighter missile. It doesn't seem to have a spawn layer.
The fighter missile inherits from base_missile_aa_seeking. base_missile_aa_seeking inherits from base_missile_seeking base_missile_seeking inherits from base_missile Base missile: { "base_spec": "/pa/ammo/base_ammo/base_ammo.json", "damage": 0, "events": { "died": { "audio_cue": "/SE/Impacts/missile_tactical", "effect_specs": "/pa/effects/specs/default_proj_explosion.pfx" } }, "fx_trail": { "filename": "/pa/effects/specs/rocket_proj_trail.pfx", "offset": [ 0.0, 0.8, 0.0 ] }, "initial_velocity": 70.0, "lifetime": 30, "max_velocity": 70.0, "model": { "arrows": 3, "filename": "/pa/units/air/missile/missile.papa" }, "physics": { "add_to_spatial_db": false, "gravity_scalar": 5, "ignore_gravity": true, "push_class": 1, "radius": 1 }, "spawn_layers": "WL_Air", "splash_damage": 0, "splash_radius": 1, "turn_rate": 150 }
I know what's wrong. Your weapon uses a decimal range, AND you didn't start it with a zero. Tell me I am right? fyi: I mean "range": .4 instead of "range": 0.4 This is usually the most common result of this in my short modding experience. We all learned a lot of troubleshooting this kind of stuff in a short time sadly. The same crap always causes the same crap, its like a crap signature showing crap was here. If my pot shot was right, you are welcome.
nope. Weapon range is 300. I'm probably missing a colon or something, somewhere, but I cannot find it. Here is the code: orbital_bomber.json: Code: { "base_spec":"/pa/units/orbital/base_orbital/base_orbital.json", "display_name":"Excalibur", "description":"Analysis: Orbital Bomber - Slow moving, for use against orbital defenses.", "build_metal_cost":950, "max_health":175, "gravwell_velocity_multiplier":6.0, "wreckage_health_frac":0.0, "spawn_layers":"WL_Orbital", "attachable":{ "offsets":{ "root":[ 0, 0, 0 ] } }, "unit_types":[ "UNITTYPE_Mobile", "UNITTYPE_Orbital", "UNITTYPE_Bomber", "UNITTYPE_FactoryBuild" ], "command_caps":[ "ORDER_Move", "ORDER_Patrol", "ORDER_Attack", "ORDER_Assist" ], "guard_layer":"WL_Orbital", "guard_radius":200, "navigation":{ "type":"orbital", "acceleration":40, "brake":50, "move_speed":30, "turn_speed":90, "circle_min_time":2, "circle_max_time":4, "hover_time":-1.0, "aggressive_behavior":"circle", "aggressive_distance":150, "bank_factor":1 }, "physics":{ "radius":5, "push_class":15, "gravity_scalar":0.001 }, "recon":{ "observer":{ "items":[ { "layer":"orbital", "channel":"sight", "shape":"sphere", "radius":350 } ] } }, "model":{ "filename":"/pa/units/air/bomber_adv/bomber_adv.papa", "arrows":5 }, "animtree":"/pa/anim/anim_trees/orbital_fighter_anim_tree.json" }, "tools":[ { "spec_id":"/pa/units/orbital/orbital_bomber/orbital_bomber_weapon.json", "aim_bone":"bone_root", "muzzle_bone":"bone_root" } ], "fx_offsets":[ { "type":"moving_forward", "filename":"/pa/units/air/bomber_adv/bomber_adv_jets.pfx", "offset":[ 0, 0, 0 ] } ], "events":{ "build_complete":{ "audio_cue":"/SE/Build_Complete/orbital" }, "fired":{ "audio_cue":"/SE/Weapons/orb/orb_fighter_fire", "effect_spec":"/pa/effects/specs/default_muzzle_flash.pfx socket_muzzle" }, "died":{ "audio_cue":"/SE/Death/orbital", "effect_spec":"/pa/effects/specs/default_explosion.pfx" } }, "mesh_bounds":[ 23, 9.5, 4.8 ], "TEMP_texelinfo":17.7177 } orbital_bomber_ammo.json: Code: { "base_spec":"/pa/ammo/base_missiles/base_missile_orbital.json", "damage":1000, "splash_damage":0, "splash_radius":0, "initial_velocity":150.0, "max_velocity":150.0, "turn_rate":360, "lifetime":4 } orbial_bomber_weapon.json: Code: { "base_spec":"/pa/tools/base_fighter_turret/base_fighter_turret.json", "ammo_id":"/pa/units/orbital/orbital_bomber/orbital_bomber_ammo.json", "rate_of_fire":0.25, "max_range":300, "firing_arc_yaw":45, "firing_arc_pitch":45, "auto_attack":true, "target_layers":[ "WL_Orbital" ] } I probably made some really obvious mistake :/
Invalid json on your main bomber file. run it through a json validator (I suggest jsonlint) Your animtree isn't correctly housed in the "model" array... which means it can't aim, and therefore means it can't shoot. Code: "model": { "filename": "/pa/units/air/bomber_adv/bomber_adv.papa", "arrows": 5, "animtree": "/pa/anim/anim_trees/orbital_fighter_anim_tree.json" },
Sublime text 2 is free and has an inbuilt (and very reliable) josn format checker. Edit: there's nothing "wrong" with your json per-say other than, because of that superfluous end-bracket, your json was ending after the model and not loading anything from "tools" onward. Maybe I was wrong then, and that was why it wasn't firing, rather than not having an animtree... ... Probably a mix of both tbh.
That's odd. The dox model code has the same strucutre as the "incorrect" orbital bomber code, but works fine... Code: "model":{ "filename":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot.papa", "animations":{ "death01":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_death01.papa", "walk":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_run.papa", "idle":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_idle.papa", "aim_up":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_aim_up.papa", "aim_down":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_aim_dwn.papa" }, "animtree":"/pa/anim/anim_trees/bipedal_mech_anim_tree.json", "walk_speed":20 }, "tools":[ { "spec_id":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_tool_weapon.json", "aim_bone":"socket_aim", "muzzle_bone":"socket_rightMuzzle" },
Note the number of brackets that open and close an array: "model":{ "filename":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot.papa", "animations":{ "death01":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_death01.papa", "walk":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_run.papa", "idle":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_idle.papa", "aim_up":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_aim_up.papa", "aim_down":"/pa/units/land/assault_bot/assault_bot_anim_aim_dwn.papa" }, "animtree":"/pa/anim/anim_trees/bipedal_mech_anim_tree.json", "walk_speed":20 }, Now look at your previous version: "model":{ "filename":"/pa/units/air/bomber_adv/bomber_adv.papa", "arrows":5 }, "animtree":"/pa/anim/anim_trees/orbital_fighter_anim_tree.json" }, ^ | Notice this one doesn't have a partner.
Doesn't the orbital fighter animtree have lots of animations referenced in it that you have now removed?
Not that i'm aware of, unless they were referenced somewhere else. I just copied the fighter files and replaced the model and weapons.