Uber Weekly Update - July 21, 2014

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by BradNicholson, July 21, 2014.

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  1. thelordofthenoobs

    thelordofthenoobs Well-Known Member

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    Sorry, but I don't believe that.

    Not in the way you wrote it there.

    You will be supporting PA for a long time if it is a huge success.

    And there is absolutely nothing that guarantees that it will be.
    I want it to be a huge success, but I have problems believing that, as there are fundamental flaws that might prevent PA from reaching all of it's target audience.
    PA's biggest selling points to me are that it is a successor to TA and SupCom and the interplanetary gameplay.

    And when it comes to both of these points I am not satisfied.
    I don't really care for stuff like the unit cannon or other stuff the community has been demanding.
    I care for the actual gameplay, the core systems and features of the game that I am playing.

    I want the gameplay to feel fluid, satisfying and interesting.
    Currently it feels clunky and I feel unable to control everything to a satisfying extent.
    There are plenty of useful UI features that were present in e.g. SupCom that are missing from PA and it feels like a step back instead of a "Next Generation RTS" if those are not implemented.
    Furthermore, you pulled off an impressive technical feat with this game:
    You took an RTS game and put it on a whole solar system.
    But we still lack decent UI features to make the interplanetary gameplay work as properly and fluidly as one would expect. Right now it is extremely tedious, although it has lots of potential for being awesome.
    Apart from that many players (including me) still have issues with actually handling combat on a sphere because it is so easy to lose orientation and so hard to keep track of everything that is going on.

    I hope you have especially things like these on your list of stuff that needs to be in before 1.0 or PA might quickly get some bad reviews for having a nice idea, that was pulled off nicely by the engineers but failing to turn it into a fun and well thought out game.
  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I really can't see how anyone could call you (uber as a whole) liars, very unfair.

    I think what is worrying people a bit is the perceived 'risk' of bad reviews if things are missing in 1.0 however I really don't think that should worry anyone, pa is fun already. A touch more tweaking to get everything nice and stable is all that's needed (and possible an in game mod portal to give newer players easy access to things like the ladder- I'm assuming this is comparatively minor compared to making a ladder system from scratch?)...

    Point is though, I think from an unbiased review (ie not total biscuit!) Pa should stand up well on its merits as it is now. Anything more you guys can squeeze in by 1.0 is really a bonus :)
    tatsujb likes this.
  3. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Even if we disregard everything you just said, this.....whew.

    This man speaks the Truth.
  4. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Hmmm, I do think Paul should apologise to Jon. Having a point doesn't give someone free reign to be rude and calling uber liars just isn't fair or true.

    I do agree that letting the community know what the 'aren't going to be in at 1.0' is probably a good move if only to get the controversy and knee jerk negativity out of the way before hand. I think this really applies to any of the remaining stretch goals and such (not that there are that many).
  5. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Definitely wasn't saying he shouldn't apologize - you don't call someone a liar without concrete evidence (read: quotes) in hand. I think he should. I'm just pulling from the murk and saying, hey! This is a good point.
    cdrkf likes this.
  6. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    Name calling, strong arming, and a lack of respect for someone does not and will not entitle you to an answer from uber for things you think are your right to know. Give me a freaking break, if the devolopment of this game is the most important thing in your life, then wow, u need a break.

    Although i might get banned for this i really dont care, the way some act in this forum toward uber is absolutly unacceptable and i think you owe @neutrino a appology, because without him and his vision, his teams relentless hard work there would not be PA PERIOD....

    I have not been lied to, i getting exactly what i paid for and i love the game they are making, so please do not use the word "us" in your rude rant about the grand uber conspericy against its backers.

    You are seeing and playing the game, its here , its real and although not perfect its getting there. If you want to know why they dont share information to the extent your looking for, i invite you to look at your post in the mirror. This kind of reaction is exactly why somethings cant be said.:mad:
  7. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    Paul, I'm going to stop you right here and address some of your words.

    What convenient stories? Do you have proof that they made them up? Otherwise you are slinging mud and that's not alright.

    Transparency =/= Lies
    Just because they don't tell you what you(or others) want to know does not make ANY Uber employee a liar.

    If you have proof of an attempt to deceive then please, share it.

    Knowing the knee jerk reactions that have come through this forum community, I'd say, "Yes."

    We have the PTE, we can download and see what they're doing. This isn't a secret project that no one but Uber knows about. You're acting like we'll never see any of the features for 1.0 until the release.

    Unless you can prove that Uber won't release any of those items(in terms of 1.0) before the release itself, I'll have to go with what I know. Uber has provided us with consistent updates that contain changes, they have not withheld anything from us, unless they were not functioning(or basically working).

    Well, since the forums seem to have reached a level where everyone scrutinizes every change Uber makes I can only assume that if Uber released their "1.0 Planned Features List" that we'd have dozens of post containing enough toxicity to outclass the Willamette(that'd be hard).

    Within the last few weeks we've seen what happens, I wish people would be civil and objective, but people aren't.

    In closing, you should apologize unless you have proof. Not because I'm asking you to, but because it's the right thing to do. Otherwise people will simply see you as a mudslinger and we won't listen to your opinion.

    Truth through civility.
    websterx01, Fr33Lancer, Fjork and 5 others like this.
  8. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for saying what i was too angry and disgusted to say. Well done.
    Boobo likes this.
  9. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    Lets not forget this is why command and conquer was cancled. Too much negativity from the community.
  10. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    If you believe the PR sure.

  11. masterofroflness

    masterofroflness Well-Known Member

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    This entire thread is popcorn material

  12. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    There's a difference between negativity and criticism.

    People can criticize... dox balance without being "negative."
  13. BradNicholson

    BradNicholson Uber Employee Uber Alumni

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    Going to close this because wow. Just wow. This thing is so off the rails, I'm pretty sure it started flipping down a hill.
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