Always, always, ALWAYS update your drivers using those from the manufacturer's website, and NEVER from a 3rd party.
- Aventail -> Ripper - Game Over screen tweaking, including using metric units - Gamestats tweaking (cooperates with Game Over a bit) - Style tweaks in many of the live_game scenes. CSS calc() showing up frequently - There should be a five second delay in showing Game Over again, so you get to watch the explosions. - Labels for two focus settings changed - Keybinding alert: on/off becomes "energy on"/"energy off" - System template tweaks, looks like two new templates Modding - AI had some econ/intel tweaking - battleship, destroyer, frigate had WL_SeaFloor removed from weapon target_layers
This. Go to /, and go to the download center. Driver date for your stuff should be roughly April of this year.
Whoever was working on UI and Resource management. I give them a Special thank you. The game no longer uses like 3gb's in just the lobby alone. I haven't run into this problem with PTE yet but. in the last stable patch the nuke would just keep circling planets/targets. I'll post a video in a bit Is the game limiting to 1gb of vram? I notice it caps at 1gb and doesn't go a mb higher.
Ok little errors I notice on Windows 64-bit: Code: INFO Migrated window settings from ...., renaming to ***.migrated WARN Could not rename file! And yeah file is actually isn't renamed and error appear on each launch. but window_settings.json already there. PS: Also would be cool if Windows version get same cool build id and version in log as Linux one, e.g those: Code: [06:42:28.766] INFO SDL: Built w/ v2.0.3, linked w/ v2.0.3 [06:42:28.766] INFO build version 69280, id 2014072169280 For now Windows version log don't have this info. ... One more, window icon load failed: Code: ERROR Unable to load window icon /icon_sdl.png And yeah there is actually no icon for PA window and in task manager. ... Mouse lock no longer work on Windows too. ... Clicks on twitch streams no longer do anything. E.g no browser open URL.
Some things I noticed, may not be exclusive to PTE though: Disabling the UI while PiP is active will black out the main view and not PiP. PiP appears to be much less buggy, although the vision circles will still flicker fairly often. Uhh, not sure if this is new (or if it's intentional), but Bluehawks inside of astraeuses can fire from the orbital layer to the ground. Their aim is horrible, so it's more or less just random tactical missile spam, but still. Massing a bunch of them is kind of like a bizzare, rather ineffective mobile anchor
Dear CEO of Bell Canada: Do me a favour, and jump out of your office window. Love, your pal Tehtrekd. I had to use IDM just to correctly download the drivers because the download was being interrupted a quarter of the way through. ANYWAY apart from that, it still didn't work. The nuke is still a glowing orb and the DxDiag still says my drivers are from 2012. I'm going to try the auto-detector instead. Maybe I just chose the wrong kind.
Remove exists drivers via Windows Control Panel or Device Manager and then use full installer again and it's will work. AMD driver installers known for being buggy.
Teht, are you on a laptop by any chance? You may need to try the beta drivers - it may be having a hard time updating your drivers for some reason on a laptop (It doesn't look like it, but it's sometimes a pain on that front). Otherwise, hopefully SXX can provide some direct actionable way to fix it, because forcing drivers is a pain.
Return of the Ghetto gunship, SPACE edition. Also, if it remains as shonkily innacurate as that, i actually have no problem with this remaining as a legitimate orbital invasion technique. Since you need a T2 unit for it to work anyway, it's not really OP or spammy, and they're being carried by freakin astreus, any avenger or umbrella would mince them, but it's a nice, relatively cheap and mobile orbit-to-ground attack technique. And aside from all that, it's AWESOME!
There may be one teensy tiny potential problem though, which I noticed looking back on that replay. Pay attention to what happens when they briefly drop into the air layer. I can't say for certain yet, but it looks like their aim got significantly better for that short period of time.
Well, uh... The drivers did change. Just not in a way that makes logical sense, they went down a month in age. *sigh* I'll try again tomorrow, it's late and I'm getting really pissed off at this...
Honestly I hope that's an intended feature. Units performing orbital bombardment sounds... interesting.
All air units in Statera except for fireflies are crashing upon completion in this build. Any idea as to why that may be? Download link to the PTE version of Statera: