Suggested Flag: auto_reclaim Normal Location: in any *build_arm.json file. Variables accepted: boolean; true or false. Default variable: false Prerequisites: none Expected Behaviour: As with "auto_repair", auto_reclaim will allow the unit to automatically reclaim any wreck within range as long as there is space in storage. Example: fabrication_combat_bot_build_arm has: "auto_reclaim": true The Combat Fabricator will attempt to reclaim any wreckage that is within its range.
Suggested Flag: max_health Normal Location: An ammo file. Variables accepted: float Default value: not present Expected Behaviour: Makes it so that anti-entity projectiles can damage the projectile. Example: "max_health": 100,
Missiles can already be given health values. What we don't have is any interaction between anti-entity ammo and their targets beyond the single; the only viable option with an anti-entity ammo is using "collision_check": "target" & "collision_response": "destroy". And it's not because said ammo doesn't have damage values either. I'm assuming you've tried removing "collision_check": "target" & "collision_response": "destroy" and gotten the same result we have; a crash.
While we are at this: Suggested Flag: auto_reclaim_enemies Normal Location: in any *build_arm.json file. Variables accepted: boolean; true or false. Default variable: false Prerequisites: none Expected Behaviour: As with "auto_reclaim", auto_reclaim_enemies will allow the unit to automatically reclaim any enemy units within range. Example: fabrication_combat_bot_build_arm has: "auto_reclaim_enemies": true The Combat Fabricator will reclaim any enemy unit that is within its range. This would allow for "battle" fabricators that reclaim enemy units. Perhaps it should also check for auto_attack so it does/doesn't reclaim unless you give it a direct order.
Suggested Flag: self_destruct_weapon Normal Location: in any unit blueprint tool section. Variables accepted: boolean; true or false. Default variable: false Prerequisites: none Expected Behaviour: As with death_weapon, except triggered on a self-destruct rather than normal death. The behaviour of death_weapon should also change such that it does not trigger on self destruct.
If I am understanding you correctly, its already in. Just add "self_destruct": true to the tool_weapon.
That causes the unit to self destruct when the weapon is fired; I'm looking for the opposite behaviour - firing a weapon when the unit is self destructed.
Ah... Code: { "death_weapon": true, "spec_id": "/pa/units/land/bot_bomb/bot_bomb_tool_deathweapon.json" } So this this is what you're looking for. You just have to make sure to have "ammo_type": "PBAOE" otherwise if there isn't a target in range when it dies, well I guess you can see where that ends. Edit: I should not type before going to sleep.
I'm aware of that flag, but that will cause the weapon to fire regardless of what caused the death; I'd like to isolate self-destructs and give them a different death weapon.
Add the ability to Hook json files, or otherwise overwrite/change values without needing to shadow an entire blueprint. This is especially important for unit_list.json, and also needed in build.js.
Suggested Flag: damage_reduction Normal Location: any unit .json file Variables accepted: float Default variable: 0 Prerequisites: none Expected Behaviour: Any damage taken by the unit from any damage source is reduced by an amount defined in the float. Example: A tank has: "damage_reduction": 25 When hit by a projectile that does 100 damage it is reduced by a flat 25, and the remaining 75 damage is dealt normally. Interacts with armour (AT) by first reducing the damage by the flat value defined by “damage_reduction”, and then applying the AT damage multiplier.
Suggested Flag: model_scaler Normal Location: any unit.json or ammo.json file Variables accepted: float Default variable: 1 Expected Behaviour: Multiplies the size of the model by the value. Example: A pgen has "model_scaler": 0.5, the pgen will be half it's normal size. This won't affect placement size, which must be changed manually.
It's already supported, just not in unit blueprints; terrain meshes have variable per-axis scale values (and can even be different per-instance of a mesh, as there's an additional "scale_variation" parameter): From pa\terrain\mountain\mountain.json Code: ... "brushes": [ { ... "scale": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ], "scale_variation": 0.0, ... }, ...
I know, I was just saying that the engine does support dynamic scaling of papa models, at least for terrain, so adding that functionality to unit models shouldn't be a stretch (hehe).
Doubtful. Last I heard, Neutrino said it would be a very difficult task to make dynamic scaling of units and that it would be easier (for a given value of easy... which is actually very hard) to rescale everything by hand. When the Vanguard were formed it was a hot-topic at the time, and was one of the questions we put forward. Now this may have changed in the months since Jon said that... but I doubt it.
Suggested Flag: ignore_radar_area/ignore_sight_area Normal Location: Somewhere near the ignore_radar setting, or ignore_sight Variables accepted: Any number Default variable: 0 Prerequisites: none Expected Behaviour: Higher numbers will increase size of the circle. Will either give a circular radius making any unit within said radius invisible to radar or vision, depending. Example: bot_cloak has: "ignore_radar": true","ignore_radar_area": 50 or "ignore_sight": true","ignore_sight_area": 50
Suggested Flag: death_unit Normal Location: in any unit.json file. Variables accepted: string; the path to a unit.json Default variable: None. Prerequisites: none Expected Behaviour: Makes the unit, instead of turning into wreckage on death, turn into the specified unit. Example: tank_light_laser has "death_unit": "/pa/units/land/tank_light_laser_wreckage/tank_light_laser_wreckage.json" The tank will now turn into that unit upon death. The functionality that I'd use it for is turning units onto wrecks with a high push class on death, resulting in unmovable wreckage (This would be combined with a pbaoe death weapon that each unit has with a high trigger range, similar to Statera walls).