Able Commander - officially postponed

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by neutrino, July 15, 2014.

  1. brandonpotter

    brandonpotter Well-Known Member

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    Yaaa, I think that would be a no. I liked the progenitor as it is now.

    If Uber ever has the time, I know they will have an even better model for the Able sometime down the road.
  2. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    I actually would like to have the "Able" skin as "Progenitor V2", since it is far more detailed. Sure, it's no longer the "simple" KS art style, but that certainly isn't a bad thing. Fits the model better than the original skin, in most parts.

    Not the whole Able skin of course. Especially not the parts with the text. But the texture job for legs and arms is IMHO better than the original.
  3. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    So this community just went down a notch in my books. Would imagine it's extremely embarrassing explaining to able gamers the reasoning behind it. Repercussions may be a lot worse..
  4. nofear1299

    nofear1299 Active Member

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    One thing I do not get is why people are saying that Able Gamers would drop Uber over this. Yes, it is embarrassing. It is a shitty situation but at the end of the day it is a charity - they will never say no to donations. I doubt this will affect the relationship.

    This whole issue was stupid. I understand the "Exclusive" idea but it is irrelevant. I think Uber is still the shizniz, the bees knees and the cat's pyjamas regardless of this. I think they should be more upfront regarding decisions that could cause an outcry but none of us are there in their offices and see what is happening in a day.

    At the end of the day, they make do with what they have and they are doing an awesome job at that, it is also very difficult to keep ALL the vocal customers happy. So they do something that will keep the majority happy and even then they cannot foresee if they have made a terrible mistake beforehand.

    People need to chill ;)
    lapsedpacifist and DalekDan like this.
  5. mikehb

    mikehb New Member

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    Ye pretty stupid move to stop a charity action just because you want your unique commander which is still unique since it still would look different.

    In my eyes you guys at Uber tried to do a good thing and just didn't expect it to backfire like this (I know I wouldn't have expected it). Hope you'll be able to help Ablegamers in the future. I never considered buying a commander because I only see them in the first and last minute of the game anyway, but I'll gladly buy the next Able Commander you release :D
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    I think this is a mistake similar to the Invictus (which just ended up upsetting a different group of people), where Uber is giving in to "community" pressure where it should be standing firm in its reasoning.
    Fr33Lancer likes this.
  7. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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  8. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    I'm amazed Uber even talk to us any more with how toxic the community can be these days.
  9. liltbrockie

    liltbrockie Active Member

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    I am proud to say that in the 6 months or so I have been playing PA I have not once been the slightest bit interested in different commanders. I have never changed my commander in the lobby and I have never even clicked on the armoury section.
  10. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    I'm pretty disgusted with some members of the community. So the vocal minority can now dictate rules, why not just turn the game over to that minority, because thats whats going to happen, any time they/he wants something, they will just scream and shout, go from forum to forum, subreddit to subreddit, shouting about how right they are and how everyone else is wrong. regardless of reason.

    Very dark day for the community.
  11. janusbifrons

    janusbifrons New Member

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    To be disgusted you must feel that people who thought the word "unique model" meant the factual game development agreed upon term for model and have absolutely no legitimate concerns what-so-ever, nor had any right to complain when the aforementioned model was no longer unique.

    The wording was explicitly clear on the Kickstarter. I don't see how there was room for interpretation... but lets say I'm wrong for the moment.

    Can't you at least acknowledge (as Uber now does...) that we had legitimate concerns? Even if you don't agree, can't you at least see it in a touch of grey instead of black and white?

    You're acting like we were arguing for peadofillia in PA and 'won' (I don't see this as a victory, more like the removal of a thorn) because we shouted the loudest. That is a ridiculously naive interpretation, and frankly more than a little insulting.

    In terms of the rest of your comment... you sound pretty guilty of what others were given warnings or banned for... on the other side of the argument. You're insulting those who disagree with you by saying they "disgust" you. You're using massive amounts of hyperbole to scare monger by saying "why not hand over the game to 'that minority'. You're inciting an argument. And your post is highly inflammatory.
    Bgrmystr2, kothanlem, gtf50 and 7 others like this.
  12. stonewood1612

    stonewood1612 Well-Known Member

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    Looks like a lot of stuff happened while I was sleeping... :confused:
    websterx01 likes this.
  13. Zblub

    Zblub New Member

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    That vocal minority had an agreement with Uber about an exclusive model. This agreement was between each of those individuals and Uber.

    Uber did not just turn the game over to that minority, because that's not what's going on. That minority became vocal because (strictly to the letter) they were right.
    What the majority or Bsport think about this is completely irrelevant.

    When you know you're right but people don't listen: SCREAM!!
    janusbifrons and Nicb1 like this.
  14. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Reminder, before the above posts escalate:

    Please try to keep your posts free from hyperbole and keep the discussion civil. We've had the the debate, the conclusion has already been drawn, there is no point raising blood pressures again.

    We're trying to organise an event now to make sure that Able Gamers doesn't lose out as a result of any forum drama. Hopefully we as a community can channel efforts into that to make the best out of the decision that has been made.
    cdrkf, Geers and reptarking like this.
  15. FSN1977

    FSN1977 Active Member

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    Really people, ur going to derail this thread to ,with hate? Uber rewoked the Abel commander, be happy...

    I assume people who bought the Abel commander in the PTE, can use it in the future, even though its been pulled?
    brianpurkiss and brantleyyy like this.
  16. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Not happy about the fact that we are going to hear people complaining now about how disappointed they are in the community and how "Toxic" the community is becoming. Heck if our community was so bad we wouldn't have awesome people going to the trouble of forming a tournament to raise money for the charity.

    In the end Uber made a decision that a good amount of the community did not agree with and they were well within their rights to speak out about their concerns. There is nothing wrong with this community, infact I see it as still being awesome. Don't attempt to make the people who disagreed with ubers decision look bad by calling them Toxic and such just because they do not agree with your point of view.
  17. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    FSN1977 likes this.
  18. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    @janusbifrons, i think the concern was just, but the way some members of the community have voiced there concern crossed the line.

    Then to your other point, So my 2 posts on the subject are equal to multiple threads that were opened on not just this forum but reddit aswell. Yes, yes i see what your saying, I'm clearly a very vocal member of the community with my post count of 11, opps sorry 12.
  19. reptarking

    reptarking Post Master General

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    Sooo I know this thread is all warm and toasty but can we as a community turn a new leaf from this. Let's help Ablegamers our way in the absence of the commander proceeds they we're going to get. The decision was already made to postpone the sale of the able. That is over. Any heat we all have over it will do nothing but tare us apart. This opportunity to show that we are an amazing community has allowed us to form a tournament from the chaos for Ablegamers and with everyone's help and with ubers support I'm sure we can make this a great thing for us but mainly for Ablegamers
    lokiCML, cdrkf, Nicb1 and 1 other person like this.
  20. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    Which they did not. They postponed it. Nobody forced them to do that. It was Uber's decision, as was the decision leading to this whole debacle.
    Uber lost, no one won. End of story.
    cdrkf and carlorizzante like this.

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