Amicably Solution? (KS Unique Progenitor Model)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by lokiCML, July 14, 2014.

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  1. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    Here are the facts:
    1. Kickstarter states the Progenitor has unique model
    2. The Progenitor, as of 7/14/2014, does not have a unique model, due to it's use in the Able
    3. Kickstarter's Terms of Service bind Uber to deliver; Uber did in fact deliver, but then went back on their word after the Able's creation
    4. The Charity doesn't legally excuse Uber from not delivering on their promise
    Draw your conclusions from this.

    Personally, I think this is irrefutable, but some argue that the Charity will whisk everyone's arguments aside. I think that this is a bigger problem than people realize.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Solution: reskin one of the other commanders instead of the Proginator.

    It's really annoying that everyone keeps on harping on the charity thing. It's such a logical fallacy.

    We all like charity. That doesn't magically make everything alright with Uber's decision.

    All Uber needed to do was change the wrap on one of the other commanders, but they chose the Progenitor.

    The main thing I'm upset about isn't about the pixels. It's about the implications of how Uber treats their loyal fans and the implications of how Uber treats their fans in all that has been said and done by them here on the forums.
  3. selfavenger

    selfavenger Active Member

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    I get what your saying @brianpurkiss but what if it was the right thing to do? Although I already own the Progenitor I for one will be purchasing the Able commander.


  4. byte01

    byte01 Member

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    Not that it really matters, I for my part was happy when the kick starter idea was announced and backed on a level that I felt was appropriate. They got it up and running and keep going and improving the game. I don't care about the commander models, it's purely cosmetic anyways.

    While I can understand people who feel cheated, it kind of leaves a bad taste. At the end of the day the kick starter unit is visually different and identifiable for those who really care.

    There is nothing that can be done about it at this point, other than UBER trying to be more careful with a very sensible part of their fan base in the future.
  5. thepilot

    thepilot Well-Known Member

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    You do realize that kickstarter is a charity too right?

    Ok, not for a cause but for an individual/company, but still a charity.
  6. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Supporting Charity is a good thing, rarely is it ever a bad thing (usually due to the charity itself rather than the act of supporting a charity) and no one is disagreeing about the charity aspect. If they had done any other commander, there would have been no issue, the issue sits solely on the conscience choice to use the Progenitor despite prior experience with the Delta/Invictus Debacle.

    Last edited: July 14, 2014
    lokiCML, vyolin, MrTBSC and 2 others like this.
  7. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    It seems your looking at the wrong bit. This didn't flare up because people hate charity. It flared up due to the lack of Uber's community interaction AND the fact that they broke a promise that involves money.

    The end result is the lowered value and reputation of Uber's word. People like where this game is going and don't want to see Uber shooting themselves in the foot (even if its not a particularly bad case).
  8. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Problem is that this is turning into a trend and when placed on top of the pile of other "awkward-ities" it can make for a pretty impressive pile.

    lokiCML likes this.
  9. selfavenger

    selfavenger Active Member

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    Hi @liquius,

    I just think there's different ways to think about it that's all. My post was merely trying to put a different spin on it. I have to disagree though about it lowering the value and reputation of Uber's word, for me personally at least.

    I just don't see why there has to be so much anger. Yeah I know people invested money. I did too. Perhaps I'm just coming at it from a different thought process given my past experiences.


  10. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    All they needed to do was use a different commander model.
    cmdandy likes this.
  11. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    Personally, I think the Osiris or the Aeson would have been great.
  12. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    Early Bird KS backer speaking here.
    1. I can understand why Progenitor owners are pissed. Doesn't excuse the fact they are so vocal.
    2. Everyone can understand Uber used an already existing model and only re-texture it to reduce costs.
    3. I can understand why they choose the Progenitor model instead of a less appealing one, to attract more people and maximise the gains for the charity.
    I don't know what Uber should have done. Maybe they should have involved the Community by making a poll and listen to arguments (not saying they should have necessarily sticked to the outcome). Choosing a Commander such as Alpha / Delta / Theta (so not the highest Tier Commander, but also not a default one) may have been a better course of action.

    I also don't know what Uber should do to appease the situation here. It's unlikely they will start over with a new commander (time is money). Maybe start by offering the Able to Progenitor owners.
  13. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    if you dont care about the commanders of this game and consider charity highly important then just go donate any ammount you want/can/wish on the ablegamer website

    I am realy disapointed about some people marking others as boohmen who raised critic and concerns about the topic and try shutting them up in a aggressive manner ...
  14. drewsuser

    drewsuser Active Member

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    Prepare for lockdown...
    someonewhoisnobody likes this.
  15. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I'm locking this thread because it's a duplicate of many others on the same topic.

    Please continue any discussion of the Able commander in this thread and please try to keep the discussion there civil and the tone constructive.

    Yep - sorry, but there only needs to be one thread for this.
    Last edited: July 14, 2014
    websterx01 and wpmarshall like this.
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